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问公主休闲音乐聊天室吧。我不介意。Go ahead. I don't mind.

他喜欢休闲服装。He likes casual attires.

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拥有休闲的周末文胸。Get a casual weekend bra.

是您品茶、休闲、商务应酬、洽淡的最佳场所。It will be your best hang-out.

时长一周的休闲商务旅行A Week-long Business Casual Trip

你是如何度过休闲时间的?How do you spend your off hours?

应选更为休闲的领带。Instead select a more casual tie.

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我带来了四块休闲水果糖。I brought four Fruity Tootle bars.

热爱休闲活动。Be interested in leisure activities.

1690年代的伦敦,休闲文化发展旺盛。Leisure is thriving in 1690s London.

不过我时常去一个很好的休闲地方。But I often go to a place of leisure.

这里是休闲旅游社。要我帮助吗?Leisure Travel Agency. May I help you?

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欢迎光临水木年华沐浴休闲俱乐部。Welcome to Shui Mu Nian Hua Bath Club.

选择休闲和配套行李。Choose leisurewear and matching luggage.

一天一块德芙巧克力,给你工作,休闲,娱乐添活力。Dove a day keep you work, rest and play.

我想去一个静谧休闲的地方。I want to go somewhere quiet and relaxing.

休闲类的全面性对比拼接。Allover contrast stitching for casual class.

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我还有其他MMO游戏和休闲活动。I have other MMOs and activities for leisure.

寻找你真正喜爱的休闲活动。Find leisure activities that you really enjoy.

他平时喜欢休闲服装。He likes wearing casual attires at usual time.