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这是一种可以越冬的番茄。It's a tomato that could be wintered over.

玉米收获后耕翻冬灌,消灭越冬螨体。Plow and irrigate in winter after harvest.

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越冬品系具有很强的耐低温能力。The SW have strong ability on cold tolerance.

他们种植了一种可越冬的番茄。They planted a tomato that could be wintered over.

约有70只中华秋沙鸭选择在这里越冬。About 70 Chinese mergansers choose to spend winter here.

目前还只发现工蚁和蚁后休眠越冬。So far, it is found that only workers and queens overwinter.

以成虫及幼虫在土中越冬。They overwinter in the form of adults or larvae underground.

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只有把爱储得厚一点,越冬时才不会感到冰冷。Only love a little thicker storage, winter will not be frozen.

到了冬天,它们就向南飞到地中海地区越冬。And when winter comes, they all fly south to the Mediterranean.

越冬黑颈鹤的种群结构合理。The population structure of the wintering cranes is reasonable.

它们都主要是过路和越冬鸟类的栖息地。Both are designated primarily for migrating and wintering birds.

以老熟幼虫在土中结茧越冬。Its mature larva makes cocoon under the earth during the winter.

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泥滩成为成千上万只迁徙的天鹅越冬的场所。The mudflats offer a winter home to thousands of migrating swans.

在干部越冬的成虫和幼虫,越冬后死亡。The adults and larvae overwintering on trunks died after the period.

越冬黑颈鹤的时间分配、家庭和集群利益的研究。Study of time budget, family and flocks' benefit of wintering cranes.

整个越冬过程中支链淀粉的分解多于直链淀粉。In the whole course, starch breaking down gave priority to amylopectin.

以蛹在向阳地的残株落叶或杂草中越冬。It over-wintered with the pupa in fallen leaves or the weeds of ground.

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越冬成虫可以由根部直接钻出土表转移为害。Overwintering Imago directly came out of ground to harm trees next year.

新疆冬季寒冷,石榴必须埋土才能安全越冬。Pomegranate must be covered with soil to overwinter safely in Xingjiang.

越冬牧草第二年均能正常开花、结实,完成生育期。The herbages survived through the winter have completed their life circle.