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水池里因鱼而有了生机。The pool was alive with fish.

庄稼在雨后又恢复了生机。The crops revived after the rain.

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眉山是一块充满生机与活力的地方。Meishan is a place full of vitality.

现在的清远充满了生机和活力。Today's qingyuan is vigorous and vibrant.

栖霞是一片充满生机和希望的投资热土。Qixi a is a lifeful pl a ce, full of hope.

当和风甜美的气息挟着生机。When Zephyr also has with his sweet breath.

使细胞焕发活力,恢复生机!Revitalizes Skin Cells, Brings them to Life!

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像本加蒂拉这样的诸多村庄充满了生机。The villages like this one are full of life.

在园林庭院内使用景观石可增添生机活力。Used in garden landscape stone add vitality.

所以我的观点的确能给印作带来新的生机。So my view can really bring new life to seals.

春天来了,万物都充满着生机。Spring is coming, everything is full of viger.

你是如何让古典音乐充满生机的?What can you do to keep classical music alive?

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人们说橙色是满盈生机的主动向上的颜色。People say orange is a lively, energetic color.

未来的岁月充满生机,闪烁着希望的光辉。The years ahead hummed and glowed with promise.

社区是我家附近最具生机的事物!Community is vibrantly alive in my neighborhood!

这不仅仅是灵肉交融,也带来了新的生机。Not merely housed in flesh, but brought to life.

河流给上坝带来颠杌是生机,而是死亡。In Shangba the river brings death not sustenance.

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谁人女孩变革无常的性情让我们很生机。The wantonness of the girl's character annoyed us.

我们只有在帮助他人时,才充满生机。We are only fully alive when we're helping others.

丛林在植物们发出的灿烂光芒中重现生机——斑点和花纹,鬼影和星系无不放射出蓝绿色的荧光。patterns, ghosts and galaxies of blue-green light.