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它的主要特征是流畅性、变通性和独创性。Its main features are fluency, flexibility and originality.

在这方面,他与他同胞的通性是不相同的。In this he was different from the generality of his countrymen.

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为什么所有现代人类有这种创造艺术品的通性?Why do all modern humans share the compulsion to make works of art?

因此,比较文学研究应从共通性转向差异性。So the comparative literature research should turn from commonness to difference.

研究结果显示三种类型团体的共通性与独特性。The Results reflected both commonality and uniqueness of the three types of groups.

PODB是通过可通性的途径实现持久性的。PHP Object Persistent Database. PODB is implementing persistency by reachability approach.

并通过对比得出现象学与中国古代哲学的共通性。Moreover, proved the resemblance between the phenomenology and ancient philosophy in China.

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其悲剧神话之表相差异,难掩两者内在精神之共通性。The superficial differences in their tragic myths cannot hide their similarities in spirit.

地域性跟共通性有的时候并不冲突,他们是你的左右两手。Regionality and commonality do not conflict, just as they are your left hand and right hand.

了解这种相通性,有助于我们对全面小康目标的全面领会与理解。Having known this is favourable for us to apprehend and understand the aim of the full Xiaokang.

随着非线性强度差异的增强,单向导通性显著提高。Increasing nonlinear intensity leads to a remarkable enhancement of unidirectional penetrability.

我们之间的共通性远远大于足以把我们分裂开来的任何可能的鸿沟。Commonalities between us enough to divide us is far greater than any possible opening to the gulf.

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他们词论最大的共通性在于,都在努力地推尊词体,维护词体高雅的格调。The largest consistence of their discussion is to respect Ci style, and defend its exquisite style.

图6。孕31周,因孕16周时孕妇交通事故造成的较大的脑穿通性囊肿。Fig. 6. Large porencephalic cyst at 31 weeks of gestation as a result of a car accident at 16 weeks.

为了这个目标,欧元区的成员也必须致力于更高程度的经济共通性。To this end, eurozone members must also make significant pro GREss towards convergence of their economies.

中国古代艺术有着共通性、相融性,它们相互影响、共同发展。Chinese ancient art have common ground and comparability, which influence each other and development together.

由于人口转变模式和文化的共通性,中国大陆在未来也将面临生育危机的威胁。Because of similarity in demographic transition and culture, Chinese mainland would experience fertility crisis.

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本文讨论柯西不等式在不同领域的内通性、渗透性和统一性。In the paper, we discusses the internal cause permeability and unity of Cauchy inequality in the different fields.

美利坚民族最常为人注意的通性之一就是它的不安分、不满足和不断的探索。One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless, a dissatisfied, a searching people.

因而,在各类调制鸡尾酒地基酒之中,伏特加酒是最具有灵敏性,顺应性和变通性地一种酒。Thus, in a variety of cocktail into the base wine, vodka is the most flexible, adaptable and flexible nature of a wine.