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这个工厂生产瓶型气隔和地漏。This factory manufactures bottle traps and floor drains.

不断检查酒店及外围地区的地漏。Constantly check drainage in hotel and surrounding areas.

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单元内配地漏2个,材质为不锈钢。There should be 2 stainless steel scuppers in bathroom unit.

我的卧室紧挨着楼下的客厅,小卫生间里老式澡盆的水龙头滴滴答答地漏水。I got an antique tub with a faucet trickling down in the small lavatory.

地面上的地漏等要用塞子塞上或用挡板档上。Etc. on the ground floor drain plug stuffed or use files on the tailgate.

酒店内建筑及所有场地的地下管道、地漏和阴井的清理、疏通。Clean and dredge all underground drainage pipe, floor traps & sewerage pits.

必须提供相同通径的地漏以防过量的排放。Floor drains of the same size must be provided in case of excessive discharge.

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或用质地软有弹性不透气的橡胶板遮盖在地漏上。Or texture of soft flexible rubber airtight floor drain in the cover plate on.

这种排放应该通过美国瓦茨气隙连接件用管道引到地漏处。The discharge should be funneled through a Watts air gap fitting piped to a floor drain.

排放口位于地面上大约12英寸的地方,或者通过气隙和管道连接到地漏处。Terminate discharge approximately 12" above the ground or through an air gap piped to a floor drain."

将地漏产品的水封深度在节约能源的前提下大幅度的提高。Products will be to drain the water depth in the premise of energy conservation improve substantially.

低洁净级别区域的房间的地漏要有水弯或水封防止倒流。Floor drains in lower grade clean rooms should be fitted with traps or water seals to prevent back-flow.

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2006年9月20日联合国签署的一份报告中提到伊拉克市民死亡率被大大地漏报了。UN issued report dated Sept 20, 2006 stating that Iraqi civilian casualties have been significantly under-reported.

2006年9月20日联合国签署的一份报告中提到伊拉克市民死亡率被大大地漏报了。A UN issued report dated Sept 20, 2006 stating that Iraqi civilian casualties have been significantly under-reported.

但是地漏口径可能需要确定以防止灾难性故障所产生的水破坏。However, floor drain size may need to be designed to prevent water damage caused by a catastrophic failure condition.

用测量容器收集漏出的变速器液,直到一滴一滴地漏出为止。Using a measuring container to collect the escaping transmission fluid until continuous flow changes into single drops.

地砖、墙砖的规格大小根据阳台的面积大小来定,保留了地漏。The norms big rootlet of brick of floor tile, wall occupies the area size of the balcony to decide, withheld floor drain.

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介绍了钟罩式地漏在我国的历史,其在使用中存在的问题,对其进行改进和处置的几种方法。This paper presents the history of the floor drain and some problems in using, and the several setting methods are provided.

本文介绍了地漏的功能作用,选择的原则及实际选择中应注意的一些问题。The function of floor drains, the selection principle and several problems to be noted in actual selection were introduced in this paper.

一种双重机械密封地漏芯,由地漏芯上主体、浮子、地漏芯下主体和活动门组成。A dual mechanical seal floor drain core is composed of an upper floor drain core body, a floater, a lower floor drain core body and a valve.