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你能否给我安排专职的工作?。Can you fix me up with a full-time job?

我成为党的专职人员已经两年了。I have been a full-timer for two years.

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在电脑上打字是你的专职工作。Typewriting on computer is your full-time job.

就是这同一个人,现在成为了一个专职的有机农场主。That same person is now a full-time organic farmer.

在中国神话里,太上老君专职修炼仙丹。In Chinese Mythology, Laojun was in charge of alchemy.

专职信息部、用虚心学习保持行业领先。Full-time ministry, learn to maintain industry leading.

提供专职人事督导跟踪服务。To provide track service by professional HR supervisor.

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和一家互联网专职公司合作对此很有帮助。Working with an Internet-savvy career company can help.

重点检查专职注册房地产估价师。Focus full-time registered real estate valuer inspection.

警察拿走了专职人员田地里的粮食。The police capture food grains from the farms of full-timers.

如果是,那您最好考虑雇佣一个顾问或者专职的系统工程师。Ifso, it’s best to hire a consultant or a system administrator.

下周,我会有专职司机驾驶的汽车以打动客户。Next week, I get a chauffeur-driven car to impress the clients.

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富足的条件为他提供的专职陪护对他的生活状态有所帮助。It helps that he is wealthy enough to have full-time attendants.

所以参加国际级比赛的守门员都需要专职的教练。So international keepers need a coach who knows what he's doing.

你觉得男人可以当个专职的家庭主夫吗?。First, do you think the man could stay home and be a house-keeper?

他过去干的是专职工人,但现在每周只工作三天。He used to work full-time but now he only works three days a week.

贾皓鼓励晨丽和他一起去北京,然后在北京专职考研。Jia Hao wanted Chen to go to Beijing with him and take exam there.

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专职人员的家人不断地受到警察的骚扰。The families of full-timers are constantly harassed by the police.

来自美国预防服务专职小组,罗克韦尔市,马里兰州。From the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force, Rockville, Maryland.

我们学校有80个专职教师,他们的年龄在25岁到45岁之间。Our school has 80 full-time teacher, whose ages range from 25 to 45.