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这是男爵夫人的私房。This is Madame de Rothschild's private room.

我们更希望听到的是,两位候选人会替私房房主着想。We would like to hear the candidates tell Americans how they will stand up for homeowners.

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在最近五年,租用私房的租户人数增加了近百万。The number of tenants renting privately has increased by nearly one million in the past five years.

除了传统客家料理,顺口小吃亦有猫耳朵、水晶汤饺等独家私房料理。Besides traditional Hakka cuisines, we also have crystal dumplings, cat ears and other special dishes.

库夫斯尔塔说,这可能是因为这些人大多有私房,他们只要把狗放在院子里就行了。This is likely because they were often home-owners who could simply put the dog in the yard, Koivusilta noted.

私房新天地还有一个露台,方便与三五知己谈心,又或是与心爱谈情!Our new Private Kitchen has a balcony suitable for prattling and tattling with your intimate friends or beloved.

为房屋抵押而奋斗的私房业主也许会怀疑一个亿万富翁是否了解他们的状况。Homeowners struggling with their mortgages perhaps doubt that a zillionaire understands their plight. "Annoy the rich."

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该公司认为,只要让私房无主精确地看到是什么花掉了他们大多数的钱,他们就会行动起来,锐意改革。The company thinks that when homeowners see exactly what's costing them the most money, they'll make behavioral changes.

主要以私房家常菜、秘制涮肚、碳烤肉串、小海鲜为主。Mainly by the confidential simple dish, Peru system rinses the stomach, the carbon shashlik, the small seafood primarily.

咖啡店员会高兴地用私房蛋糕和威尔士特有的点心包括修道工场著名的“水车轮”茶点来招待。The coffee shop hosts a delight of home cooked cakes and Welsh specialities including Abbey Mill's famous 'Mill Wheel' teacake.

租赁私房的留学生应向房东索取治安许可证,并与房东签订租赁合同书。Foreign students who is private rental should ask the landlord for security permits and sign the renting contract with the landlord.

民间特色的私房配方,还原菜品本味,天然去雕饰,是一种久违的质朴和本真。By Folk characteristics of private houses formula, restore the dishes of the flavor. Feeling is a long-hoped-for simplicity and the true.

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超过三分之二的房子是私房,其中很大一部分是那些政府官员和工厂雇员以前向单位低价购买的。Over two-thirds are privately owned, of which a large share were in the past sold cheaply by authorities or factories to their employees.

成立马修严选的初衷之一,便是生产自己能相信的私房产品,不须受限于现实食品产业大环境的成本控制结构。In Matthew's Choice his goal is to create products he can truly believe in without the tight constraints of working in the mass food market.

公房中的特例自管房和私房中的共建房反映了产权和空间之间的调和。Special self-control in the public houses and common-built in the private houses reflect the reconciliation between property rights and space.

如要转让产权,必须要经房地部门严格审批,能交易的只有业主拥有完全产权的私房。To transfer the property, the premises must be strictly vetting departments to complete the transaction with only the owners of private saving property.

他暗示会为“穷困潦倒”的人提供养老金,对私房业主少征税,而且对短期合同雇佣进行规制。所有这些措施都是为了取悦天主教民主联盟。He hinted at better pensions for the worst-off, lower taxes for home-owners and restrictions on short-term employment, all policies that would please the UDC.

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在个人保险方面我们为顾客提供私房,公寓,活动房,船只和汽车保险服务。Personal lines insurance our firm offers a complete line of insurance to protect client's home condominium apartment mobile home boat and recreational vehicle.

本刊统计,全球应该支出如同那些私房房主购买财产保险抵抗灾难相似的花费。This newspaper reckons that the world should fork out, rather as householders spend similar proportions of their income on insuring their homes against disaster.

在悉心设计的非凡私房布置及温馨舒适的环境衬托之下,享受令人再三回味的一级私房美食,必定令你加添美好的回忆!With all the extraordinary decoration designed for your special events, enjoying the top quality fine food in the town, you shall find your parties unforgettable.