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送葬行列Okay, cortege.

我也赶紧加入他们的行列。So I hurried to join them.

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出殡的行列行向坟墓。Funeral marches to the grave.

他们示意我加入他们的行列。They motioned to me to join them.

突然插到排队的行列中去是不恰当的。It is improper to cut in on a queue.

那我就要加入伴郎的行列了。I'll have to be one of the groomsmen.

他被列入最伟大的音乐家的行列。He rates among the greatest musicians.

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安雅终于加入战斗的行列了。Anya joins the fight in Gears of War 3.

国王的仪仗行列将由电视播送。The royal procession will be televised.

欢迎新朋友加入虚拟剧场实验室的行列!Welcome new friends to join in LabEVT !

如今,他们又无意之中脱离了这个行列。Now, they have inadvertently drifted out.

按人类的标准来看,这些都可归类于丑陋动物的行列之中。They are, by our standards, ugly animals.

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经过认证,土库曼斯坦迈入了没有疟疾行列。Turkmenistan is certified as malaria-free.

在阅兵行列中一支乐队走在士兵的前面。A band preceded the soldiers in the parade.

她挤着穿过围观者的行列。She elbowed through the line of spectators.

兄弟二人跻身于现代作家的行列。The two brothers ranged with modern writers.

我如何避免被列入垃圾邮件制造者的行列?How do I avoid being lumped in with spammers?

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让我们希望鲍里斯改变想法,加入我的行列。Let's hope Boris changes his mind and joins me.

我认为巴金可以被列入最伟大作家的行列。I think Ba Jin ranks among the greatest writers.

敌人的炮弹在士兵行列中炸成大洞。The enemy's shells made great holes in the ranks.