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你很有审美眼光。You have an eye for beauty.

就是她会把眼光放的很长远是吗?Is she bird-eyed? Isn't she?

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她对服装有的审美眼光。She has good taste in clothes.

所有的眼光都落在演出者身上。All eyes were on the performer.

我不用这种眼光看他。I do not see him in this light.

她的眼光扫过那幅地图。Her eyes beetled across the map.

她对时尚有着独到的眼光。She has an amazing eye for style.

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但是洗衣妇注意到了他的眼光。But the washerwoman felt his eyes.

不要带着仇视的眼光来看哟。Do not take hostile point of view yo.

我们现在外出,仍然会得到不解的眼光。We still get odd looks when we go out.

他用恳求的眼光望着儿子。He casts a beseeching glance at his son.

我们需要放开胸襟,放长眼光。We need to be open-minded and farsighted.

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停顿了一下,眼光转向史蒂夫的座位,用犀利的目光在他的脸上搜寻着什么。sharp stare, her eyes searching his face.

后来收发员的眼光终于落到了这一堆信上。At last the mail clerk noticed the letters.

教练也用和蔼的眼光看着我,满是微笑…He, looked at me benevolently, then smiled.

莫妮卡和瑞秋用奇怪的眼光看着菲比。Monica and Rachel look at Phoebe strangely.

言路用征求意见的眼光看着妻子说。Their books with comments at the wife said.

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对于她的审美眼光,我们可不敢恭维。To her aesthetic vision, we can boast about.

这是眼光和选择的问题。It's a question of discernment and of choice.

那只耗子用疑问的眼光看看她。The mouse looked at her rather inquisitively.