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神经鞘瘤体现为S-100卵白染色强阳性。Schwannomas display strong S-100 protein staining.

溶菌酶是存在于卵白、泪和其他分泌物中的一种酶。Lysozyme is an enzyme found in egg white , tears, and other secretions.

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方法以卵白蛋白致敏豚鼠制备哮喘模型。Methods Experimental asthma model of guinea pigs was induced by ovalbumin.

这项研究指出,影响茶阐严重染的祸首祸首为牛奶中的三种酪卵白。The study points the finger of blame at three casein proteins in the milk.

此类卵白经由过程捕浊橐馔放一个磷酸盐分子而启动或封锁。These proteins turn on and off by capturing and releasing a phosphate molecule.

图四、鸡蛋卵白于酸浸渍过程中可溶性蛋白的变化。Fig. 4. Change in soluble protein content of egg white during soaked in various.

DMD阅暌冠肌肉一一种称为肌营养不良卵白的基因突变。DMD is caused by a mutation of the gene for dystrophin, a protein in the muscles.

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图三、鸡蛋卵白于酸浸渍过程中表面硫氢基之变化。Fig. 3. Change in surface sulfhydryl group in egg white during soaked in various.

方法以卵白蛋白致敏豚鼠制备哮喘模型。Methods Experimental asthma model of guinea pigs was induced by ovalbumin in vivo.

小鼠同源GPRA在卵白蛋白诱发炎症的小鼠模型中出现上调。The murine ortholog of GPRA was up-regulated in a mouse model of ovalbumin-induced inflammation.

来用“卵白蛋白诱喘法”观察“咳喘宁”贴膏对哮喘模型大鼠的平喘作用。Through the asthma model was established by ovalbumin sensitization to observe preventing asthma effect.

肌营养不良卵白基因位于人类X染色体,携带基因突变的母亲会遗传给婴儿。The dystrophin gene is found on the X chromosome and passed on to children through a mother who is a carrier.

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我开始饮高能+量的饮品,放入大量卵白粉与大量维他命B来代替咖啡。I started guzzling high-energy smoothies imbued with protein powder and massive B Vitamin doses instead of my coffee fix.

本文重点介绍了鸡蛋清中主要过敏原卵类粘蛋白、卵白蛋白、卵转铁蛋白和溶菌酶的研究进展。The review on ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme of the major egg white allergens are introduced in details.

由于人体里含有卵白酶等酶类物质,能够将卵白质水解构成小分子物质,利于人体吸取。Proteinases in human digest tracts can hydrolyze proteins into amino acids, and then amino acids can be absorbed by the body.

陆军考虑给部队营养食谱增加更多的卵白质,并已致力于开发营养富厚的浓缩食物数年了。The Army, which has been developing nutritionally rich foods for years, has considered adding more protein to its troops' diet.

有研究剖明,免疫细胞可以对传染做出反映,而维生素D对于免疫细胞中的抗菌卵白的生成至关主要。Studies have linked vitamin D as necessary for the production of antimicrobial proteins from immune cells in response to infection.

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除A组外,采用腹腔注射卵白蛋白和灭活百日咳杆菌的方法,制成大鼠哮喘模型。Beside Group A, egg albumin was injected into the abdominal cavity plus the method to kill Bordetella pertussis, to create asthma model in the rats.

人的汗水中有一种抗微生物卵白质,能搪塞很多致病生物,譬喻大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌。Human sweat contains an antimicrobial protein that acts against a wide range of pathogenic organisms, among them Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

鸡蛋蛋白中的卵白蛋白和卵转铁蛋白是参与蛋白凝胶形成的主要物质,内在因素和外在因素对蛋白凝胶性状产生重要影响。Ovalbumin and ovotransferrin in hen egg white are the principal matters in forming of the gelatin, inherent factor and extrinsic factor are important for egg white gelatin.