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虽已入秋,但前阵子依旧酷日炎炎。It's autumn, but recently still cool, hot.

前阵子忙碌没时间更新部落格,接下来会常更新。Will update the blog more often from now on.

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顺便报告一下,鱿鱼已经有阵子没来拜访我了。I haven't gotten any more squid on deck recently.

有阵子没见你了,很高兴又见到你。你看来很累。Nice to see you again after a while. You look tired.

侍者把残羹剩饭倒入泔脚桶里。破阵子。Waiters put their leftovers in the garbage ca fantastic.

他前阵子在学校遇到了一些麻烦,可是现在已经重回正轨了。He was having problems at school for awhile, but now he's back on track.

现在很痛苦,等过阵子回头看看,会发现其实那都不算事。Look back a lot of pain right now, wait a minute, will find that it is not.

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这是我前阵子以美术总监参与的一个汇丰银行广告,在上海拍摄。This is the latest TVC I worked as Production Designer for HSBC, shooting in Shanghai.

好的,前阵子我说过,我们将至少,要使用这个绰号几周。Well, a while back I said that we'll use it at least for a few weeks this moniker string.

她先是一愣,随后记起,那自然是因为丹前阵子在纽约开工作会议的缘故。She is puzzled at first. Then remembers, of course, the business conference in New York City.

前阵子给本堂的小朋友办他们的第一次修和圣事。A while ago, I administered the sacrament of reconciliation for some of our young parishioners.

这也是D8的一个规律一样,就像D8前阵子黑甄子丹一样,那可是天下地下从头到脚。This is a law of D8, like D8 a while back black Donnie Yen, but that the world underground from head to foot.

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我家族的人有阵子突然的,通通成了有狗的家庭。我的祖母有一只狗,我的两位阿姨妈也有狗,现在我的父母亲也养了一只狗。My family has all of a sudden been the Dog family. My Grandma has one, both of my Aunts have them, and now my parents have one.

但是前阵子服务器隔三差五地出问题,前两周还崩溃了一次,网站长达三天访问不了。A while back, the server problem, but in bursts, the first two weeks has collapsed once, can not access the site for three days.

前阵子大象风波愈演愈烈,全美动物园大象死亡事件频传,有些是足痛并发症引起。The jumbo row mounted earlier this year after several elephants died in zoos across the US, some from complications of sore feet.

前阵子老爸购买30磅户外直拉弓及套件,后来因为时间不充裕,东西基本闲置,现低价出手。Recently dad buy 30 pounds of outdoor straight bow and kit, later because the time is short, the basic things of idle, is cheap shots.

在前阵子刚结束的美国中期选举中,奥巴马就用这样一个词来描述这次选举结果。President Obama’s description of the "old-fashioned thumpin" in George W. Bush’s words, that Democrats received in the 2010 US Mid-term elections.

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目前,主要只能用物理方法来改善超声图像的散焦模糊导致横向分辨率降低的问题,例如采用多阵子系统或者动态聚焦等。Currently, we can only use physical way to solve the problem of low lateral resolution, for example multi-transducer instrument or dynamical focusing.

这是我前阵子以美术总监参与的一个广告,奔驰GLK300,由林志玲张涵于主演,在上海和云南拍摄。This is the latest TVC I worked as Production Designer for Mercedes Benz GLK300, starring Lin Zhilin and Zhang Hanyu, shooting in Shanghai and Yunnan.

不管怎样,先登上来以慰劳自己绘制这项作业时的疲累,之后就先摆在一旁,过阵子再回头来修啰!Anyways I am posting it to comfort myself for exhaustion on this assignment, and I am going to put it aside for a while before having it fixed and done.