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杜甫亦具有闲逸情调。Du also possesses leisure sentimentalism.

没有,我从未去有异国情调的地方度过假。No, I have never vacationed anywhere exotic.

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然而这种情调却葬送在我心。However, this sentiment is buried in my heart.

但是他们有着另类的异国情调。But they are consistently exotic, always other.

鼓吹小资情调是变相的粉饰太平。Advocating Petty Bourgeoisie in disguise whitewash.

美国,在你这傻瓜情调中我怎能写一曲神圣祷歌America how can I write a holy litany in your silly

它被富有异国情调的命名为“涂鸦”和“紫色角。It is exotically named "graffiti" and "purple cape.

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要抛弃小资产阶级的伤感情调。Petty-bourgeois sentiment should be done away with.

这部电影保存了原着的许多异国情调。The film retains much of the book's exotic flavour.

峇里岛是我去过最充满异国情调的地方。The most exotic place I have ever visited was Bali.

泰文和东方异国情调交叉缝合设计。PINN , Thai and Oriental exotic cross stitch design.

关于内克尔的步伐,是热带,异国情调的氛围。On Necker, the pace is tropical, the ambience exotic.

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连刘邦也只能在宫闱中享受一番家乡情调。Liu Bang also could enjoy pop music in palace chambers.

需要有追逐嬉戏、天真烂漫的情调。The need for chase scenes, innocent and artless season.

他经常和朋友们到一些具有异国情调的地方公款游玩。He took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales.

直到今天,这号悲天悯人地情调每每令我发指。Now this sort of sentimentality always makes me furious.

全红的墙纸和维多利亚时代风格的装修决定了情调。Red flocked wallpaper and a Victorian decor set the tone.

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毛岛的自然和异国情调的女孩在这个画廊。" Mao and the natural and exotic " girl " in this exhibition.

在她的大部分词作中都或多或少地渗透着或表露出愁苦忧怨的情调。In most of her works, she showed more or less the gloomy mood.

强烈的异国情调是这个项目的设计特色。Strong tastes exoticism is the main focus of the design project.