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音像市场需要控制。The tape market requires control.

音像遗产从本质上说是脆弱易损的。Audiovisual heritage is by nature fragile.

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所有非音像提交的材料必须是英文。All non-audiovisual submission materials must be in English.

国内最大的网上书城之一,主要销售图书、音像、礼品等。One of Chinese biggest online store, focus on books, DVD, CD and gifts.

外籍人生活形式也许不给他们体验音像光谱。The Alien Life form might not allow them to experience the audio spectrum.

音像和计算机程序格式化集邮,网页中。Audiovisual and computer formatted philatelic programs, Web pages included.

酒店还专为小型会议配套有多功能型会议室,投影音像设备齐全。We have function meeting room with projection and sound equipments for you.

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该片获奥斯卡最佳视觉效果、最佳音响效果和最佳音像剪辑三项大奖。The film won Academy Awards for visual effects, sound mixing and sound editing.

目前中国共有568家出版社,音像出版单位292家。At present, China has 568 publishing houses and 292 audio-video publishing units.

他喜爱户外运动、唱歌、艺术及音像技术。S. Jianjun enjoys sports, singing, arts, as well as audio and video technologies.

录像机,DVD机及电脑中的证据音像文件输出。The output of audio-visual file in the VCR, DVD players and computers as evidence.

本系统曾在上海音像公司录音棚中进行过测量,取得了一定的效果。This system has been used in the sound-recording booth of Shanghai Audio-Video Co.

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同样地运用于电影、音像、影像资料等一切熟知及未来会运用的媒介。The same applies for film, audio and video recordings in all known and future medias.

VCD音乐。电影。连续剧。百科。戏曲等音像制品!VCD music. Movie. Serial TV opera. Hundred branches. Drama enharmonic likely product!

负责音像制品的出版、复制管理。To be responsible for managing the publication and duplication of audio-visual products.

郭德纲的剧场被暂时停业,他在各大书店的书籍、音像制品也被全部下架。His clubs were temporarily closed and his books and CDs were whisked off bookstore shelves.

双语不用教由“长春电影制片厂银声音像出版社”出版。Bilingual don't have to teach by "changchun movie studio sound like press published" silver.

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第六,不看不康健的册本或音像成品,不浏览不康健的网站。Sixth, do not look unhealthy books or audio-visual products, do not visit unhealthy websites.

在北京王府井书店,光盘上市后仅5小时就卖出1000余张,创造王府井书店音像制品单日销售纪录。At Wangfujing Bookstore, over 1000 discs sold out within 5 hours, creating a daily sales record.

北京在过去的4个月缴获盗版音像制品四万一千多件。Beijing has seized more than 41000 pieces of pirated audio-video materials in the past four months.