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我打赌,你会的。You will, I bet.

我打赌你当时很逗人喜爱。I bet you were cute.

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我敢跟你打赌。I can stake with you.

我敢打赌,钟满是双向飞碟。I bet, bell full skeet.

黄希扬想打赌吗?You would like a wagered?

我提出与他打赌。I offered to bet with him.

我要和你打赌十元钱。I will go you ten dollars.

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我与你打赌一百元。I bet you one hundred yuan.

我打赌这句话的含义你一定也知道。I bet you know this one, too.

我敢打赌这场比赛她赢定了。I'll bet she'll win the game.

亥伯龙会赢,他敢打赌。He bet that Hyperion would win.

我打赌我会得一等奖。I bet I'll get the first prize.

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印度女人们打赌用姜黄就能解决。Indian women swear by turmeric.

我打赌,他们睡的更多更好!More and better sleep, I'd bet.

这是他最棒的一次打赌。It was his most brilliant wager.

捧读它吧,我敢打赌你一定会爱不释手。Read it, I know you will love it.

我打赌他已经忘记了这个会议。I bet he forgot about the meeting.

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乔瓦尼,我可以打赌,我的生活就可以了。Giovanni, I will bet my life on it.

我可以打赌,他又干起老行当来了。He's up to his old tricks, I'll bet.

我敢打赌我能在_日本_找到那个窑洞。I bet I can find that cave in Japan.