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但素有这些这都是一种浮夸的盛装游行。But it is all a grandiose pageant.

他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修辞。His prose is larded with pompous expressions.

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他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修饰措辞。His prose is larded with pompous expressions.

我们必须摈弃浮夸的工作作风。We must do away with the grandiose style of work.

她姑妈是个浮夸自负的胖老太太。Her aunt is a pompous and proud--and fat--old lady.

它的哲学是一种对实际的浮夸遁辞。Its philosophy was a pompous evasion of real things.

我们必须摈弃浮夸的工作作风。Eg. We must do away with the grandiose style of work.

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但是这一零排量交通解决方案有多少浮夸的成分呢?But has this zero emissions transport solution been oversold?

而她的表演中却丝毫没有矫揉造作或是过于浮夸之感。Nothing is too weepy or melodramatic in her performance here.

不要使用三个或以上的浮夸牺牲探空了。DON'T use three or more at the expense of sounding too pompous.

紫色代表了势力、虚假、浮夸和虚荣。Purple represents snobbery, falseness, exaggeration and vanity.

白酒外包装雷同,白酒广告宣传浮夸。Four, white wine, liquor advertisements identical outer packing showiness.

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你会觉得紫色代表了势力、虚假、浮夸和虚荣。You feel that purple represents snobbery, falseness, exaggeration and vanity.

“略显浮夸,流于表面”的意思是稍微有些不切实际,不够深入。" Slightly exaggerated, superficial" mean a little unrealistic, not deep enough.

它承认事实的内在性,但拒绝一切浮夸对双方均不利。It recognizes the fact of immanence, but rejects every exaggeration on either side.

经济学人将自己视为特权、浮夸和预言家的敌人。The Economist considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability.

结构如果太重修饰,行文如果太浮夸,那你写出来的东西就没救了。Too much ornamentation on the frame, or garishness in the pattern, and you're a goner.

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T台,红毯,浮夸的杂志上都被这样的打扮淹没了。Runways, red carpets, and glossy magazine spreads have all been inundated with the look.

时尚界有时有些'浮夸',许多人总是'亲爱的,亲爱的'不离口,装腔作势。Fashion can be a bit 'Ab Fab' and a lot of people are very 'dahling, dahling' and camp it up.

在他的论述里,他似乎受到了浮夸的学生和倔强的学院同仁的影响。He seems, within his discourse, distracted by hectoring students and fractious fellow-faculty.