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把这些器皿拿过来给神。Bring these vessels to God.

玻璃器皿必须轻拿轻放。Glassware must be handled with care.

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破碎的玻璃器皿我们已更换。We have replaced the broken gla ware.

破碎的玻璃器皿我们已更换。We have replaced the broken glassware.

你会带一个一加仑的器皿吗?Would you bring a one-gallon container?

教堂用的金银器皿都锁起来了。All the church plate has been locked up.

不要让你这器皿变成坟墓!Don't let your vessels become sepulchers!

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主啊,求你今天使用我,使我成为你施福的器皿。Lord, make me a channel of blessing today!

正在浏览家俱、玻璃器皿和绘画Examine the furniture, the glass, the pictures

餐桌上银器皿和水晶玻璃器皿闪闪发光。The dining table shone with silver and crystal.

筷子是中国餐桌上主要的食用器皿。Chopsticks are the main table utensils in China.

作一洁净器皿,流出袮生命。Just a cleansed channel For Thy life through me.

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玻璃器皿包括高硼硅耐热玻璃保鲜盒。Our Glassware include pyrex glass food container.

烘蛋糕之前先给白铁器皿底部涂上一层黄油。Grease the tin with butter before baking the cake.

只是一只泥土器皿,但里面装的却是一件稀世奇珍。Though an earthen vessel, it held so great a treasure.

聪明的拿着灯,又豫备油在器皿里。But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

颠簸,那些金属器皿在玎珰作响。Those metal utensils are jingling as the car bumps along.

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将鸡肝酱倒入器皿中,置雪柜冷藏至凝固。Transfer chicken paste into a container, chill until set.

而且神庙中还有“为巴力所造的器皿”,巴力是迦南人的神。And there were "vessels made for Baal," the Canaanite God.

在搬运家具的人到来之前他们将玻璃器皿和书籍装箱。They boxed the glassware and books before the movers came.