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果不其然下了雨。As expected, it rained.

果不其然,每个班都唱地挺不错!Sure enough, each class sings quite nice!

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果不其然,我们有共同的朋友。As it turned out, we shared mutual friends.

果不其然,每个班都唱得那么好。Just as, where each class are sung so good.

果不其然,萧辉在路上遭到伏击。Sure enough, Xiao Hui were ambushed on the way.

果不其然,那也是一个堪称平等的增长时期。Sure enough, it was also an era of equable growth.

哇!果不其然,那天、一大堆识货的买主涌来并磨拳擦掌要出价呢!A big crowd of buyers gathered and were eager to bid.

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常言道,阎王爷好说,小鬼难缠,县官不如现管,果不其然。As the saying goes, Yama said, kid mad, the magistrate than now, indeed.

果不其然,他们发现这些老鼠比一般的老鼠睡得少。Sure enough, they found that these mice slept less than the average mouse.

果不其然,隔天武媚娘便释放了金尚宫。Sure enough, the next day wu mei niang will release the gold is still palace.

果不其然,我还没有转身,又有一只手伸了过来,爱人无奈的摇摇头。Indeed, I have not turned, and stretched a hand over, helpless wife shook her head.

果不其然,这个简单的讲话为接下来的许多讨论确定了议程。Inevitably, this simple announcement will set the agenda for many discussions that follow.

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果不其然,当市场仍然上涨时,投资者们没有抱怨这些赌约。Sure enough, investors weren't complaining about accumulators when the market was still going up.

这晚买的是香草冰激凌,果不其然,他们回到车里后,车不能启动。It was vanilla ice cream that night and, sure enough, after they came back to the car, it wouldn't start.

果不其然,这月亮像个大玉盘,淡黄的表面上有许多坑坑洼洼的、凹凸不平的地方。Sure enough, this moon like a big jade plate, yellow on the surface there are many bumps and hollows, and rugged place.

几个月过去了,果不其然,沃利仰望天空,找到了那群队形整齐的北归野鸭。Several months went by and sure enough, Wally looked up and spotted the flock of wild ducks in formation, heading north.

果不其然,当展现复杂、忙碌的场景时,亚裔美国人和非亚裔美国人动用不同的大脑区域。Sure enough, when shown complex, busy scenes, Asian-Americans and non-Asian--Americans recruited different brain regions.

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我扫了一眼厨房的餐桌,果不其然,在餐桌上——墙上那幅小小的镶框画像的正下方——有一块新鲜出炉的烤蜜桃派。I glanced at the kitchen table and sure enough—right under a small, framed drawing on the wall—was a freshly baked peach pie.

果不其然,那些手指较小或指尖较为敏感的志愿者手指上确实生有更大密度的汗毛孔,也就意味着他们拥有更大密度的触觉感受器。And people with smaller and more sensitive fingers did have a higher concentration of sweat pores. Which means more receptors.

果不其然,我们看到了沮丧的葡萄牙队球员在与法国队的交战中屡屡破门乏术无功而返,因为他们的演技没能再度奏效。Again we saw it in the France v Portugal game the more frustrated Portugal got Because they could not score the more acting came into it.