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现在则是我等亨利,他不能自已地消失,没有一点征兆。Now I wait for Henry.

他只是不能自已He just couldn't stop.

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我自已冲洗照片。I develop films myself.

你们自已种卷心菜吗?Do you grow cabbage yourself?

我们在花园里自已种豌豆。We grow peas in our own garden.

我已为自已做好了最好的打算。I have to do what's best for me.

他甚至不知道自已是捷克人。He didn't even know he was Czech.

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我想自已当球手。I wanted to be a ballplayer myself.

作弊会违背自已良心吗?Cheat can breach oneself's conscience?

人人都可以为环境保护尽自已一份力。Everone can help protect the environment.

我意识到自已犯了一个错误。I was consious that I had made a mistake.

聪明人使财富为自已服务,傻瓜却任它支配自已。Riches serve a wise man but mands a fool.

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一个人的成功主要靠自已。A man's success depends chiefly on himself.

你是自已刮胡子,还是去理发厅。Do you shave yourself or go to the barbers?

再笨的鸟也不至于弄脏自已的窝。It is foolish bird that fouls its own nest.

她在奥利里的怀抱里抽泣,无法自已。She sobbed uncontrollably in O'Leary's arms.

认识麦罗斯叔叔我觉得自已很幸运。I consider myself lucky to know Uncle Melrose.

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我已学会用柔音使自已的吐字圆润委婉。I learned to use a soft voice to oil my words.

把自已与在镜中所成的像进行比较。Compare yourself with your image in the mirror.

他也说不清楚自已是何时决定要当作家的。He can't say why he decided to become a writer.