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一个瑕疵一8D报告。One defect one 8D report.

这块玉有一个瑕疵。There is a flaw in the jade.

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查火星塞瑕疵。Check the spark plug for defect.

瑕疵的钻石能储存量子数据Flawed Diamonds Could Store Quantum Data

他的工作是抽样检查产品的瑕疵。His job is to sample products for defects.

我愚蠢、破碎、有瑕疵的缪斯依旧歌唱My foolish, broken, blemished Muse so sings

我愚蠢、破裂、瑕疵的缪斯依旧歌唱。My foolish, broken, blemished Muse so sings.

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得意时露瑕疵,逆境中见品质。Prosperity discovers vice, adversity virtue.

这样,许多留在我身上的瑕疵。So shall those blots that do with me remain.

如果那听起来是设计瑕疵,你就对了。If that sounds like a design flaw, you're right.

我的毛细孔好大,脸上又有许多瑕疵。My pores are huge and I have so many blemishes !

新编的电脑程序有点瑕疵。但是我们已经完全的解决掉了。There were a few bugs in the new computer program.

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产品质量存瑕疵免责条款判无效。Flaws in the goods, Invalidity of impunity clauses.

风险转移与货物的瑕疵担保责任。With the liability for warrant of defects of goods.

编辑的职责之一是仔细挑出写作瑕疵。Part of an editor's job is to nitpick writing flaws.

这些瑕疵破坏了工作的整体素质。These blemishes impair the overall quality of the job.

综上所述,新的1系列仍然是一个有瑕疵的宝石。In summary then, the new 1-series remains a flawed gem.

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谦逊固为美德,羞怯却是瑕疵。Though modesty be a virtue , yet bashfulness is a vice.

瑕疵多了,竟然也会觉得一个缺角也是完美。Flaw is much, should also feel a lack of angle is perfect.

电子版上的焊缝会用雷射光来检查有没有瑕疵。The welds on the board are scanned with lasers for defects.