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抑或男人一词的衰亡。Or the decline of man.

但有谁知道那水晶只是衰亡的雾?And who knows but a crystal is mist in decay?

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将会有一个山?奖励杀死了衰亡之翼。There will be a mount reward for killing Deathwing.

这一切不会使帝国提前衰亡。All this is not to antedate the demise of the empire.

我们正在研究古罗马的衰亡。We are studying the decline and fall of ancient Rome.

它是一本记载第三帝国衰亡的书。It is a book that records the fall of the Third Reich.

古罗马文化业已衰亡,而以其文明所建的圆柱现在依然存在。Rome Columns outlast the civilization that built them.

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各种文明都要经历诞生、鼎盛和衰亡。Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decay.

城市居平易近衰亡率比农村居平易近高。City dweller have a higher death rate than country people do.

城市居平易近衰亡率比农村居平易近高。City dweller have a higher death rate than do country people.

二里头文化势力在本期呈现的是一种衰亡趋势。At this time, Erlitou Culture displayed a trend of decline and fall.

但不这样做的话,那将继续走在一条渐渐衰亡的下坡路上。But the alternative is to continue stumbling down a path of decline.

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托比一生都在比较各种文明是怎样兴盛衰亡的。Toby has spent his life comparing the way cililiza- tions rise and fall.

人生自有其韵律和节奏,自有内在的生成与衰亡。It has its own rhythm and beat, its internal cycles of growth and decay.

在一个拥挤的,充满着相对弱小的黑洞的宇宙中,他们往往很早就衰亡了。They die young, populating a crowded universe with relatively puny black holes.

它生命的一半是三年,在三年的时候,它就停止衰亡。It has a half-life of approximately three years at which time it stops decaying.

工业时代正在经历它逐渐衰亡的剧痛,为网络时代的到来做准备。The industrial age is in its death throes, making way for the unfolding of the network age.

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而长达300年的不可捉摸的天气恰与罗马帝国的衰亡相伴。And a 300-year spell of unpredictable weather coincided with the decline of the Roman Empire.

炼丹术在中国长期发展,曾经鼎盛一时,却最终走向衰亡。Alchemy has its long history in China, which has its splendid time but it came to the end finally.

西北军对天门会的镇压标志着红枪会的衰亡。Finally the Northwest Army's suppressing the Heavenly Gate Society marked the Red Spears' falling.