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十年寒窗的儒生,也不一定是孤独的。Hanchuang decades of scholars, not necessarily be lonely.

该剧描写的是一位离开太太寻求性刺激而纵欲无度的儒生。The story focuses on a lustful young scholar who leaves his wife in search of sexual fulfillment.

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距今1600多年前的晋代,有个心地善良的儒生叫毛宝。During the Chin dynasty about 1,600 years ago, there was a kindhearted Confucian scholar named Mao Bao.

刘表是荆州学派的创建者,他不仅亲自给州学的众多儒生上课讲学,而且著书立说,写下不少著作。Liu Biao is the creator of Jingzhou School, while he gave some lessons to the students, he wrote many books.

而汉族儒生士大夫入仕清廷,更是满族吸纳汉族文化重要途径。Entering political stratum and Han Qing literati scholars, it is Manchu an important way to attract the Han culture.

回想拍摄之初,在做了几个月资料蒐集与地域考证后,我惊觉自己陷入了历代儒生所建构的好汉的诠释注疏之中。After several months of document research, I suddenly found myself immersed by a vast number of notes and interpretations.

两汉时期的儒生对“制礼”之事情有独钟,“制礼”风潮终两汉而不断。In Han Dynasty, Confucian scholars had a special liking on making ritual and continuously stirred up the wave of making ritual.

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另外汉元、成帝实行儒生政治制度,提高了儒生的政治地位。In addition, the governmental implementation of Confucianist administration improved the political status of the Confucian Scholars.

它是汉代政治模式的重要有机组成部分及儒生理想政治的重要制度支柱。It is the political model of Han important and integral part of the Confucian ideal of the political pillar of the important systems.

在儒生们的宣扬下,百姓们都愿意冲进皇宫,摧毁残害百姓的吸血鬼。Under the Confucian scholars preaching, people are willing to rushed into the palace, destroyed destroyed the vampires of the people.

“无讼”是中华民族在法律文化上的最高追求,是历代统治者与儒生们所追求的目标。No-lawsuit is the highest pursue of Chinese law, and also is the objective governors of past dynasties and Confucian scholars seeking.

盐铁会议从本质上讲,是专权的霍光通过开会的形式利用儒生对桑弘羊施以打击的政治运动。In this movement, autocratic Huo Guang, having the aid of Confucian scholars and by means of holding a meeting, launched an attack fiercely.

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西汉开国皇帝刘邦深受秦朝政治、经济、文化的影响,重刑轻儒,看不起儒生。Founding by the Western Han Dynasty emperor Qin Liu political, economic and cultural impact of heavy light Confucianism, scholars look down on.

这既是政治统一的客观条件使然,也是以董仲舒为代表的儒生自我选择的结果。The reason of transmutation is not only the objective condition of political unity, but also the result of self choice of Confucian scholars head by Dong Zhongshu.

同时两部作品对假学究、假儒生以及人性善恶也给予了足够的关注,也不约而同地表达了对开明君主以及理想社会的向往和憧憬。Meanwhile, these two novels show great concerns about false academic and good and evil of human nature, expressing the feeling for enlightened sovereign and ideal society.

闻一多先生认为贾岛“形貌上虽然是个儒生,骨子里恐怕还有个释子在”,此观点得到不少学者的认可。Mr. Wen Yiduo once said that "although Jia Dao is a Confucian scholar outwardly, I am afraid that he is a Buddhist in essence", which has received approval from many scholars.

他是一个家境贫寒而不得意的儒生,曾经做过两年的浙江长兴县丞。A scholar who came of a family in modest circumstances, he did not distinguish himself in his official career. He was two years a magistrate of Changxin County, Zhejiang Province.

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成均馆会议是成均馆儒生的独特权利,是除了校长外,任何政府官员,甚至连皇帝他自己都不能干涉的。Sungkyunkwan council meeting is a distinct right of the Sungkyunkwan scholar that except for the school principal, no government official, not even the King himself can interfere with.

儒家思想被儒生型法官广泛运用于法律领域,而文吏型法官在法律领域充分体现着法家思想的精髓。Confucian learning the type judge is broad by the Confucian scholar apply to law field, culture official type judge marrow being embodying Legalist School thought sufficiently in law field.

通过分析李氏兄弟对基督教思想所做的本土化尝试,本文试图证明明末儒生在接受和吸收异质文化时,所秉持的根是儒家“和而不同”、“执两用中”的中庸心态。Their literatures showed the primal localize to Christianism. We would try to prove that the way they absorbed the different culture is the absolutely Chinese way called The Doctrine of the Mean.