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职业表述要精确,不可含混模糊。Be specific, not vague or fuzzy.

这个新职位的权力范围及其含混。The powers of this new post are exceedingly vague.

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故意地使源代码变得含混晦涩是不允许的。Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed.

别这么含含混糊的,告诉我们你的实在感触吧。Don't be so wishy-washy. Tell us how you really feel.

事实上,美国的资本税与其用于没收充公,不如说其使用含混不明。In fact, America's taxation of capital is more murky than confiscatory.

随着安全环境的日益恢复,特派团存在的理由也变得更加含混。With security broadly restored, Minustah's raison d'être became fuzzier.

他喜欢假装自己在教堂里,在新教圣公会的教堂里,把演讲说得含含混混的。He likes to pretend he's speaking in tongues in church. Episcopalian church.

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这种含混是因为晚明价值论的混乱造成的。This ambiguity was caused by the confusion of axiology in tin, late Ming Dynasty.

其他的可能反映了媒体在报道食品健康程度时传达的信息有些含混。Others may reflect mixed messages in press coverage of the healthfulness of foods.

类似地,对一个相信有绝对真主的主流穆斯林来说这也不存在矛盾含混。Similarly, it is not an oxymoron to be a mainstream Muslim who believes in an Absolute.

麦当娜说,谭普勒尼洛葡萄酒“是西班牙小吃的最佳佐餐酒,是一个入口柔和味道又毫不含混的葡萄酒。”Tempranillo says Madonna "is a great overall match for tapas , it is easy drinking and a sturdy wine."

然而这种差异却是含混暧昧的,总是让一个英国人在看美国的时候觉得是在雾里看花。The amount of divergence is a subtle affair, liable to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America.

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第一节重点论述了马洛的含混观点产生的社会和文化背景,和他本身的性格特征。In the first chapter, I associate Marlowe's ambiguity with his social background and his personal traits.

这一回答既含混又明确,让人感觉那是个富于浪漫气息的与世隔绝的地方。The combination of vagueness and specificity in the answer gives a sense of somewhere romantically incommunicado.

由于这一概念的复杂性和含混性,西方各主要学术流派对互文性的研究也有不同的侧重点。Furthermore, the major academic schools in the west had different focuses and interests in the study of Intertextuality.

我猜到摸含混糊从母亲的手势和匆仓促去来在屋子里某件事不寻常要产生。I guessed vaguely from my mother's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was to happen.

最重要的是,我们需要找到更好的方式,去发掘在线群众激动含混的智慧,同时摒弃无稽之谈。Above all, we need to find better ways of tapping the wisdom of the jabbering online masses while dispensing with the drivel.

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委婉语会应需要采取省略手段,省去某些字眼,使其语义含混或隐去卑俗刺耳或不礼貌的部分。Euphemisms may be needed to omit the means to save certain words, so that semantic ambiguity or fade harsh or rude vulgar part.

由此民俗记忆往往成了一种潜存于作家身上的“文化意识团”,含混与参杂了各种面向的文化诉求。Thereafter, the folk memory becomes a group of cultural sub-consciousness, containing various possibilities of cultural pursuit.

但是与主客体关系模式有关的“价值主体”与“价值客体”概念却是含混的、不必要的。However, the concepts of "value subject" and "value object", which are related to subject-object schema, are both ambiguity and u.