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银行家们会退缩不前,害怕放贷。Bankers will cower, afraid to lend.

这次放贷他是出于无奈。He is being forced into this borrowing.

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它这样做主要是受到了银行放贷的支持。It did so largely on the back of bank lending.

与昂斯特一样,他只会拿出银行一半的存款用来放贷。Like Angest, he only lends out half his deposits.

目标是减缓银行放贷和控制通货膨胀。The goal was to slow bank lending and control inflation.

给这些银行借钱的放贷者只愿提供短期贷款。And lenders to banks are only willing to make shorter-term loans.

这个夏洛克是个放贷者,一个冷酷的人,所以人人都恨他。This Shylock was a money-lender and a cruel man—everyone hated him.

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我们不知道欧元区解体意味着什麽.这种事以前没有发生过.涉及到银行和放贷,以前没有这样的例子.市场没有办法预先在价格上反应这件事,因其深不见底.谁愿意接一把掉下来的刀子?We don't know what a euro breakup means. It's not been done before.

放贷者经常收很高的贷款利率。Moneylenders generally charge extremely high interest rates on loans.

这些资金一部分来自于民间放贷者的自有资金,也有一部分可能来自银行贷款。The funds are in part owned private loaners and in part are from banks.

受访的十多名放贷者称,他们的钱最终是给石国豹的。With more than 10 lenders say, their money is ultimately to Shi Guobao.

但向农村放贷这种经营模式是否能取得成功尚待验证。Still, the business model for successful rural lending remains unproven.

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全球性贷款批发市场是大型银行彼此放贷的地方。The global wholesale lending market is where big banks lend to one another.

今年早些时候Medley,另一个中级市场放贷者,投放了一个公共基金。Early this year Medley, another middle-market lender, launched a public fund.

“众所周知潘托斯的总督也放贷,”凯冯爵士说。"The magisters of Pentos have been known to lend money as well" said Ser Kevan.

下面是政府仅在1月间采取的刹住放贷的措施。Here's what the government has done to put the brakes on lending just in January.

“免税的货币市场基金仅仅是由于恐惧而不愿放贷”,MacIntosh先生说。“The tax-exempt money-market funds are just afraid to lend, ” says Mr. MacIntosh.

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资银行在过去18个月中掀起了放贷狂潮,关于这一点,勿庸置疑。There's no doubt China's banks have been on a lending spree for the last 18 months.

收到SBA的认可之后,放贷机构就会关闭此放贷申请并支付贷款。Upon SBA approval, the lending institution closes the loan and disburses the funds.

在中国各地,投资者说,银行对房地产放贷的要求提高了。All around China, investors say banks have become pickier about real-estate lending.