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,Here,,the,question,is,第一个切面和最后一个切面在哪?What is the last slice?

他在年夜理石上留下一个腻滑的切面。He made a smooth cut on the marble.

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这句话,顺译成“这是一把刀,我们用来切面包。”This is the knife that we cut bread with.

他想买一把切面包用的刀。He wants to buy a knife for cutting bread.

面包切面朝上放到烤盘上。Place bread, cut-side up, on baking sheet.

他象拉锯那样用刀切面包。He sawed at the loaf of bread with his knife.

你认为它们是自从有了切面包机之后最酷的东西吗?Are they the coolest thing since sliced bread?

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与人进餐时不要拿走盐,不要用你油乎乎的刀切面包。Take no salt or cut bread with your knife greasy.

这样会得到一个很大的切面。And then, I will have actually a pretty big slice.

流道切面形状和尺寸符合标准。Runners cross section type and size asper standard.

图11。正常动脉导管和主动脉弓汇合切面。Figure 11. Normal confluence of the ductal and aortic arches.

通知是可以被切面应用到连接点的行为。Advice is behavior that can be applied by aspects to joinpoints.

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现在,旋转切面,就可以得到所有的这些平面。And now, if I rotate the slice, then I have all of these planes.

法棍面包纵向切开之后,将切面均匀涂上大蒜和黄油混合物。Halve bread lengthwise and evenly coat cut sides with garlic spread.

要计算二重积分,要做的就是要利用切面。So, to compute this integral, what we do is actually we take slices.

通常假定反力在垂直切面内不发生变化。It is generally assumed that a reaction does not change in elevation.

切了一块放在哀家的狗食盆盖儿上,貌似切面还不错吧?嘎嘎,除了味道其他一切从简了。A nice side cut, isn't it? Except my poor bowl cover and office table.

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在下面这个完整的切面中演示了ANDing和ORingBoth ANDing and ORing are demonstrated in the following complete aspect

肺切面可见肺气肿扩张的含气区。On cut section of the lung, the dilated airspaces with emphysema are seen.

这个剖面图意在展示切面的两个层的信息。The section diagrams are meant to show two levels of information in the cut.