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压力镇流器。Pression ballast.

弧光灯需要一个限流镇流器。Arc lamps require a current-limiting ballast.

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测试报告。在本测验中,必须使用一个以上的镇流器。A sample of one or more ballasts must be used.

弧光灯需要一个限流镇流器。Arc lamps require a current- limiting ballast.

没有镇流器,散热风扇或反射器所需要的。No ballasts, cooling fans or reflectors needed.

附上所有吊带和镇流器向灯。Attach all harnesses and ballasts to the lights.

执行起重机镇流器序列,或任何其他序列。Perform crane ballast sequence, or any other sequence.

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镇流器坦克是完整的和已安装的。The ballast tanks are complete and have been installed.

使用电子镇流器为萤光灯配件?。Room Use of electronic ballasts for fluorescent light fitting?

最后给出了可调光电子镇流器的前景预测。The forecast of dimmable electronic ballast is also presented.

由电源或输电线输入到包括镇流器的电压。Voltage provided to a ballast by a power line or power supply.

灯寿命取决于启动镇流器是程序式的还是瞬时的。Lamp life depends on whether the start ballast is program or instant.

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推荐用电子镇流器代替电感镇流器。Electronic ballast is recommended to substitute the inductance ballast.

试验天使的眼睛和镇流器安装之前使用汽车电池。Test Angel Eyes and Ballasts prior to installation using the car battery.

灯管保用一年,电子镇流器保用五年!Lighting tube warranty for one year and five-years for electronic ballast!

它采用非一次性电子镇流器制成,★坏了可以更换启辉器!It is made of non-electronic ballast, ¡ï bad starter device can be replaced!

本文给出了该驱动电路在步进电机、高频镇流器中的应用电路。Its application circuits for step motor and high frequency ballast are given.

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用于电子镇流器、节能灯晶体管进行测试。Used for testing the transistors of electronic ballasts, energy-saving lamps.

本文提出了一种新型可调光的超高频电子镇流器。A novel UHF electronic ballast with dimming feature is proposed in this paper.

5如下图方式剪掉线,不要移除启辉器和电感子镇流器,保持在原来位置。Cut the wire as shown. Do not remove the starter and ballast, Keep it in place.