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她抚弄她的珠宝。She fondled her jewels.

孩子们抚弄着那只猫。The children stroked the cat.

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终于让我抚弄她的毛毛。Finally let me stroke her fur.

孩子们抚弄着那只猫。Stroked and nuzzled the kitten.

让我们学习不要抚弄撒旦。Let us learn not to fondle Satan.

老人抚弄着小狗。The old man petted the little dog.

她正把婴儿抱在怀里抚弄。She was dandling her baby in her arms.

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他抚弄着桌子上那些报纸。He fiddles with his papers on the table.

耶和华的手指抚弄风云And, moving on the storm, the fingers of the Lord

当我在沙发上躺着时,我的小猫用爪子轻轻抚弄着我的手。My cat kneaded my hand when I was lying on the sofa.

她用手抚弄着她杏色的短发。She tossed her short, sandy hair, running her fingers through it.

“哦,后来邮差进了屋子,把她的睡衣撩起来,然后从头到脚地抚弄,”鹦鹉报告说。Well, then the postman came into the house and lifted up her nightie

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当小孩子抚弄小猫时,母猫变得躁动不安。When the children handled the kittens, it made the mother cat restless.

她转过去抚弄马修的脸颊,把手指绕在他的耳朵上。She turned from me to smooth Matthew’s cheek and curl a finger round his ear.

我们如果理解为“刘老师抚弄他的香港犬要晚一会才来上课。”那就让人笑掉大牙了。Mr Liu has a touch of the Hong Kong dog and he will be here a little bit late.

我一只手握着铁挺,另一只手在裤袋里抚弄火柴。I had my crowbar in one hand, and the other hand played with the matches in my pocket.

我的手慢慢地滑向你的跨部,开始抚弄你那已经肿起来的下体。My hand works its way down to your crotch and begins to fondle your huge, swelling bulge.

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抚弄猫咪、拥抱猫咪其实都可以降低皮质醇---也就是「压力贺尔蒙」。Petting and cuddling your cat can actually reduce cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone."

他的手一会儿在摆弄他的演讲稿,一会儿在抚弄衬衫上的扣子,一会儿又在讲台上敲打。They fidgeted with his notes, played with the buttons of his shirt, and drummed on the lectern.

他坐在她的床边,用手抚弄着她的头发并轻轻的亲吻了她的面颊。He sat on the edge of her bed brushed her hair with his hand and gently kissed her on the cheek.