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鼻腔阻塞。obstructed nasal passageway.

引起了你鼻腔的疼痛和压感。Pain and pressure in your sinus cavity.

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他的鼻腔也有一道纵向的长伤痕。His nose also bore a long cut lengthwise.

滴鼻剂常可缓解鼻腔充血。Nose drops often relieve nasal congestion.

鼻腔流感疫苗的功能显著。Intranasal flu vaccine appears to work well.

现在,只有吉斯扬基才能刺激到她的鼻腔。Now, it was only the githyanki that rankled in her nostrils.

在研究中,研究人员从病人的鼻腔中获取病毒样本。During the study, virus samples were obtained from a person's nose.

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鼻腔的黏膜充血并且水肿。The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity are congested and edematous.

鼻腔喷剂会让你的鼻道通畅的,来,试试我的。A nasal spray will clear your nasal passages. Here, try some of mine!

结论薄荷醇可促进胰岛素的鼻腔吸收。Conclusion l-menthol promotes the nasal cavity absorption of insulin.

罗通定鼻腔喷雾剂的研发为临床患者用药提供一种新的选择。It is expected to provide a new dosage form of sedative and hypnotic.

较小的脑颅被宽阔的副鼻腔包围,减轻了重量。Smaller shaken by the broad vice nasal surrounded, reduced the weight.

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中段为泪囊鼻腔造孔术需要凿通的部位。The middle portion is the surgical area of the nasolacrimal fistulation.

人类鼻腔内的嗅膜大小约相当于一张邮票。A human’s scent membrane in the nose is about the size of a postage stamp.

目的鼻腔是结外常发生淋巴瘤的部位之一。Objective Nasal cavity and sinuses is a usual site of extranodal lymphoma.

生理盐水鼻腔喷雾剂和灌溉工具包就可以买到柜台。Saline nasal sprays and irrigation kits can be purchased over-the-counter.

有助于平衡组胺释放,三天或三天内时噢你鼻腔通畅。Helps balance histamine release and clears stuffy noses in three days or less.

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如果您患有鼻腔或鼻窦疾病不推荐使用尼古丁鼻腔喷雾器。Nicotine nasal spray isn't recommended if you have a nasal or sinus condition.

不一定,你要做的仅仅是保证从鼻腔释放足够量的气体以防止水溺入。No, just keep enough air pressure coming from your nose to keep the water out.

矢状面扫描显示羊水进出鼻腔。Parasagittal scans show amniotic fluid flowing in and out of the nasal fossae.