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我也希望你能真真正正的开心起来。I also hope you can have some real of happy.

生命中真真正正的阳光并不多。In the life the genuine sunlight are not many.

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但是真真用于明用照明少知又少。But for Ming with lighting little cub know little.

而漠然的男人,才真真正正到达了爱的相反方向。But the indifference is really the antithesis of love.

哦,真真是一绿的山姑啊,含羞欲滴!Oh, Zhenzhen, a Green Mountain Kou ah, Hanxiu to drop!

威的女儿真真誓要替父报仇。Power the daughter swears to revenge for father really.

这真真正正是篮球史上最伟大的系列赛。It was, quite simply, the greatest clutch sequence in basketball history.

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那是我人生第一次真真正正的听爵士乐﹐我深深的被它所震撼著。This was the first time I really listened to jazz, and it bowled me over.

一个你从来没有预期的‘你好’却往往可能是你真真需要的。A hello you may never have expected but that may just be the one you need.

在宁次的帮助下,她看到了鸣人和佩恩之间真真正正的恶斗。She watched the ensuing battle between him and Pein with the help of Neji.

嗯,对拉丁美洲人是好年景,真真是他们的好年景,不唬你。Yeah, big year for latinos, really, really big year for them, no bullshit.

在那一刻,在摄影机墙面前,奥巴马与芮成钢真真正正平等。At that moment, before the camera, Rui Chenggang was equal with Obama actually.

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可是要找当年吃它的感觉,却真真是找不到了。But must look eats its feeling in the past, actually really really could not find.

这两只鸵鸟的身量,会让真真正正的鸵鸟相形见绌的。The dimensions of these two fake ostriches can really put real ostriches to shame.

要不了多久,只要将到指定的日子,他便真真觉得灾难临了头。Quite soon he grew to have a feeling of positive dread when the appointed day came round.

爱情是盲目。不懂得珍惜爱情的你才是真真的盲了目!!!Love is blind. Do not understand that cherish amatory you are really really true blind eye! ! !

犹太人真真是一个非常了不起的民族,值得我们对他们进行深入详细的研究。The Jews were indeed a remarkable group of people that we should make detailed studies on them.

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我们要取回公道、想要一个更负责任的政府,还有真真正正清洁的香港。We also would like to advise the Government the necessity of stipulating a land contamination law.

到左28岁之后就加入党,做一个正正真真得中国人!To the left after 28 years of age to join the party, doing a Zhenzhen was precisely the Chinese people!

交往时间越长,这种心理越是深刻。真真是相见恨晚。Time of association is more long, this kind of mental state is more deep. True really wish had met earlier.