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产品质量达到出口标准,。已在南极中山站成功使用。Product quality to meet export standards. Zhongshan Station in the Antarctic has been successfully used.

本文针对中山站白天处于极尖区的特点,研究了低能电子沉降对中山站电离层的影响。In this paper, the effects of low energy electron precipitation on the ionosphere over Zhongshan Station have been investigated.

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应用元素富集因子、相关分析和因子分析等方法研究了西太平洋、东印度洋、南大洋、中国南极中山站邻近海域气溶胶中各元素的来源。Source discrimination of the elements in the marine aerosol was discussed using the methods of enrichment factor, factor analysis and correlation analysis.

近7年来,中山站地区的大气臭氧总量有减少趋势,与全球大气臭氧总量变化趋势相同。The total ozone amount at the area of Zhongshan Station has been decreasing during recent 7 years, which is similar to the trend of the global ozone variation.

分析表明,观测期间中山站区的宇宙噪声吸收事件夜间与白天显著不同。Preliminary result show that cosmic noise absorption events is very different between night side and magnetic noon during the measurement over Zhongshan Station.

其中一名科学家将于本月在新西兰登上破冰船"雪龙号"前往中山站,另两名将于11月到达长城站。"One will board the icebreaker "Snow Dragon" in New Zealand to go to the Zhongshan Station in October and the other 2 will arrive at the Great Wall Station in November.

南极普里兹湾是我国南极中山站建站的重要依托海域,是科考船前往中山站进出的必由之路。The Prydz Bay in the Antarctic, the important supporting sea area when China built Zhongshan Station, is the only way that research ship passes in and out Zhongshan Station.

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根据南极中山站观测结果,分析了南极地区近地层热量逆梯度输送的现象。Countergradient heat flux in the surface layer in South Pole is analyzed based on the data obtained from the field experiments near China Zhongshan Observatory in South Pole.

通过改进臭氧的统计反演算法,从NOAA卫星的TOVS资料中提取了1993年南极臭氧洞期间中山站上空大气臭氧含量的资料。Total ozone during the period of Antarctic ozone hole of 1993 at Zhongzhan station in Antarctica is extracted from TOVS data of NOAA-12 by using an improved statistical regression scheme.

近10余年来,当位于南极半岛地区的长城站显著增温时,位于东南极的中山站恰有较明显的降温趋势。During recent more than 10 years, there has been a warmer trend in the area where the Greatwall Station locates while a reverse trend in the eastern Antarctica where Zhongshan Station locates.

利用极光全天空摄象机1995年和1997年在南极中山站观测的极光数据,对中山站上空极光的出现情况进行了统计分析。The auroral data observed by All Sky TV Camera during 1995 and 1997 at Zhongshan Station of Antarctica are used to analyze the statistic characteristics of the aurora appearing over Zhongshan Station.