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涂阳在家人的安排下与刘青定亲。Tu Yang plays as green as Liu engagement in the arrangement of family.

父母给儿女定亲,另外该注意什么?When getting their children betrothed, to what should parents pay special attention?

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我母亲对于我们的定亲感到不安,由于她觉得我们还太年青。Mother was uncomfortable with our engagement because she thought we were too young to get engaged.

威尔要归去上班不知何时回来,提议明日就举办玛塔和吉特的定亲。Will want to return to work will not come back tomorrow, and proposed to hold marta and jeter's DingQin.

这里的女孩子十一二便定亲的也有的是,十三四娶了,也不并不奇怪。The feminine children here 12 then betroth of also have abundance of, 34 marry, is not not strange either.

与紫桐定亲的徐家却生意蒸蒸日上,成为八大油号的领军人物。The Xu Jia with violet tung betrothal however business flourishing, make 8 lard bugle call get military thing.

“他们还都没定亲哪”他们的妈妈说,金龟子少女们又开始傻笑了,这次是因为不知所措。"None of them are engaged yet, " said their mother, and the beetle maidens tittered again, this time quite in confusion.

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报告称,当天定亲队伍乘坐一支豪华车队出现在女方家里,打头的是一辆玛莎拉蒂。Members of the man's entourage showed up at the woman's house in a fleet of luxury vehicles, led by a Maserati sports car, reports said.

这对已经定亲的情侣现在整个世界都混乱了。他们已经约会五年了,却在婚礼前夕父母见面的时候发现彼此竟然是兄妹!An engaged couple who dated for five years have been left in turmoil after their families met and they discovered they were brother and sister.

先前流传广泛的报道称,迪彭德拉是和他的母亲在他的定亲问题上爆发激烈争吵,由此引发了屠杀。沙伊对此未发表评论。Shahi did not comment on widespread reports that the massacre was sparked by a furious quarrel between Dipendra and his mother over his choice of bride.

在日常琐事中,他们不仅要慢慢摸索婚姻之道,还要一致对外,搞定亲戚朋友们随时到访所造成的一个个囧境。In daily bagatelle, they should fumble slowly not only marital path, even consistent external, do betrothal relative friends to arrive at any time the each area that visits place to cause.