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恐怕不行,那条街是单行线。I'm afraid not. That street is one-way.

单行线的关系是不存在的,而且是绝对不会存在的。S. This is no one-way street relationship and it never has been.

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你看到后面那个标志了吗?我觉得这是一条单行线。Did you see that sign back there? I think this is a one way street.

人生是一条没有回程的单行线,每个人都用自己的所有时光前行。Life is a no return one-way street, everyone with her all the time.

一条路径由一系列将两个路口连通的单行线组成。A route is a sequence of one-way streets connecting two intersections.

人生是一条没有回程的单行线,上帝不会给你一张返程的票。Life is a single line of no return, God will not give you a return ticket.

这是一条双车道的单行线,所以整条路上都不会出现不同方向的车辆。This road is a two-lane one-way road, so there is no oncoming traffic for the stretch of it.

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本文的目的是以北京市西城区为例,说明如何通过在道路上设置单行线对胡同、街巷路等进行利用。We can use these resources of hutong and alleys in way of setting one way street and bus lane.

我明白了,你的意思是说最大的难点在于这种理解上的不平衡以及近乎单行线的状况。I see. You mean that this imbalance and almost one-way traffic in understanding is the most difficult point.

这是一条双车道,单行线的道路,而我当时正耐心地等候在车流中一个恰好的空隙。The road was a two-lane, one-way street and I was resigned to waiting until there was a suitable break in traffic.

不存在起点和终点路口相同的单行线。每个城市最多30个路口。There will never be a one-way street from an intersection to itself. No city will have more than 30 intersections.

单行线的出现意味着在隧道里驱车游览不必再像离弦的箭一样快速通过。But the advent of one-way traffic means that a trip through the tunnel is no longer like being flung by a giant slingshot.

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博物馆提供了多条通道直达展厅内部,有种意指通往艺术的路径绝非单行线的意味,但在进入之前必要先通过一条主道。Multiple entrances are provided, which nicely suggests there is no one way to approach the art within. But use the main one the first time.

对于商业利益的主体来说,应积极主动采取一定的措施来降低单行线的负面影响,适应商业新格局。The merchants should take a certain measure to reduce the adverse effect of setting one way street, adapt to the pattern of business with the change.

不过由于公园提前将九道弯等人群聚集处改成了单行线,令园内游人多而不乱、疏密有致。But since 9 Park Road will advance, the crowd turns into a single lane Department, the number of park visitors rather than chaotic, and there is a function.

给定城市中一组由单行线相连的路口,你要写一个程序来计算出各路口间有多少条不同的路径。Given the intersections connected by one-way streets in a city, you are to write a program that determines the number of different routes between each intersection.

我第一次和他相遇的时候,正是我开始在这条单行线上踱步的时候。每一次我都想要前行,但最终我所有的选择总是去后退。The first time I met him was the only time when I started to step in the lane- for the every time I had wanted to go ahead, but at last what all my choice was always to turn back.