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王先生,我们将承运哪几种货物?What kind of cargo shall we carry, Mr. Wang?

万航——中国无船承运业优质品牌!City Union, the quality brand of NOVCC in China!

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承运货物的分检、包装。Provides inspection and packaging services for the goods.

但这家总部位于达拉斯的承运商不仅仅只是眷顾波音。But the Dallas-based carrier isn't just looking at Boeing.

我随时都可以给超级承运集团画个叉叉。I'll take a single Trident over a Super Carrier Group any day.

他机敏巧智,从多方面讲,一出生就应天承运。A quick wit with a light touch, he was dealt, in many ways, a fortunate hand at birth.

承运人必须凭检疫证明方可承运。Any consignee must undertake the shipment on the strength of the quarantine certificate.

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起初,联合包裹承运的是快件和小的包裹及文件。In its first move, UPS started offering express delivery of small packages and documents.

科尔根航空承运的美国大陆航空3407航班2月12日在美国纽约州水牛城附近发生了坠机事故。Colgan was flying Continental Connection Flight 3407 on Feb 12 when it crashed near Buffalo.

而在2008年,许多承运商人就散装干货费率方向上下错了赌注。Many shippers made derivative bets mistakenly on the direction of dry bulk rates during 2008.

如承运方对其所负担的税费有异议,承运方应立即通知服务方。If any Tax is imposed and is contested by Carrier, Carrier will promptly notify Handling Company.

希望能为实践中无船承运业务的从业人员提供一些参考。Wish they can be the useful reference for the personnel who are engaged in Non-vessel Carriage Business.

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无酒类准运证者,运输部门不得承运。The transport operators shall not transport alcoholic drinks in case the consignor has no transport license.

2009年元月中旬,我公司承运了桐庐到上海的大型冷箱。HGT performed the transportation from Tonglu to Shanghai for Good-sized Cooling Box on the middle of Jan. 2009.

分子承运者是蒽醌,包括三个融合的苯环,每一个苯环侧面有一个氧原子。The molecule carrier is anthraquinone, which consists of three fused benzene rings with one oxygen atom on each side.

卡罗来纳当地的贸易商、承运商和政府官员一再恳求贸易委员会予以保护。Local traders, shippers, and government officials in the Carolinas repeatedly solicited the Board of Trade for protection.

第三条转关货物应由已在海关注册登记的承运人承运。Article 3 The goods transited between customs offices shall be carried by a carrier who has been registered at the customs.

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一制定的运费率,对所有属于某物流公会的相关承运途径都有效,对某一特定的货物运输采用综合运费计算的。Published rates which are applied equally by all the lines belonging to that particular conference for a specific commodity.

专业承运游艇、救生艇、工程机械、各种车辆、大件设备等超宽超高超长货。Professional yacht, carrier, engineering machinery, all kinds of vehicles, large equipment ultra-high super-long extra-wide goods.

目前我们的国际快运服务以航空运输方式承运,为您提供门到门递送与清关服务。At present, our international express use air transport services, providing you door to door delivery and customs clearance services.