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我听到什么人大叫。I heard somebody yell.

这几个人大叫起来并且踢起马来。The men screamed and kicked their horses.

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中国的人大会议每年都举行。China's congress meetings happen every year.

这说明黑人民主党人大大转变立场。The shift among black Democrats was dramatic.

但是最好照旧让谁人大哭大呼的孩子住声。It may be as well to stop that young screamer.

那人大叫了一声,惊退了几步。The man let out cry and jumped back several paces.

尊敬的全国人大、政协领导,尊敬的东盟国家各位朋友Respected leaders of National People’s Congress, CPPCC

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我的好人大卫和我再喝一整夜。My good guy David had companied with me drinking all night.

在人大校园戏剧小品比赛及各种综合晚会中创作并出演小品若干。She created and participated in many comedian competitions.

什么样的外国生学可以报考人大附中?What kind of foreign students can apply for Admission to RDFZ?

此按钮将无法修复丢失黄海暖流,CCC认证,全国人大证书。This button will not repair missing HWC , CCC, NPC certificates.

人大。可能要求你将会面技术延到后天吗?May I ask you to postpone the meeting until the day after tomorrow?

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新航的双人大床套房只有在A380飞机的航线上可以提供,机票价格会有变化。suites with double beds are only available on routes served by A380.

但即使是像冰淇淋那样的好东西,如果有人大把大把地往你嘴里塞,你也不会喜欢。But you don't like it when someone's stuffing it into you by the gallon.

目前人大附中有多少外国学生?他们来自哪些国家?How many foreign students are studying at RDFZ? Where do they come from?

此前一周,他还随中国人大代表团到访朝鲜。A week earlier he was also in North Korea with a parliamentary delegation.

在3月,一年一度的中国人大会议还将在北京召开。Also in March, China’s parliament will hold its annual session in Beijing.

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在北大、人大学生的回答中,沈冰均排在第一位。At Beijing University, the students who answered, Shen Bing are ranked first.

现在的人大都少了真实的本性,和一份孩子样的纯真。National People's Congress is now less true nature and a child-like innocence.

演讲知识培训由樊城区人大裴主任主持。The meeting was hosted by Director Pei of Fancheng District People's Congress.