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你太吹毛求疵了。You're nitpicking.

他对什么都吹毛求疵。He cavils at everything.

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但是有点吹毛求疵了。But it is churlish to carp.

吹毛求疵者会批评任何事。A carper will cavil at anything.

有点像那些吹毛求疵的批评家。It's sort of like those fussy critics.

我们知道这些都是吹毛求疵的批评。We know these are nitpicky criticisms.

他不能容忍吹毛求疵的人。He can't bear with faultfinding people.

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除非你自己能做得更好,否则不要吹毛求疵。Don't knock it unless you can do better.

吹毛求疵者就算是在天堂也会百般挑剔。The faultfinder will find faults in paradise.

非常好的反馈,虽然其中不少有些吹毛求疵。Good feedback, though a lot of it is nitpicky.

里德利以一种吹毛求疵的超然态度看待他的作品。Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.

吹毛求疵是人们必须埋没的一个才干。Faultfinding is one talent that ought to be buried.

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老美对颜色的挑剔通常到了吹毛求疵的程度。Americans can be very picky when it comes to colors.

在过渡联系中的那个“我”是易怒、疲倦、吹毛求疵。The over-connected me is a cranky, tired fussbudget.

在过渡联系中的那个“我”是一个易怒,疲倦吹毛求疵的人。The over-connected me is a cranky, tired fussbudget.

不要对爱人喋喋不休、吹毛求疵、恶声恶气。Stop nagging, criticizing and snapping at your partner.

他的主要缺点是爱对小事吹毛求疵。His main weakness is to quibble over unimportant things.

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他对比赛规则中并不重要的细节吹毛求疵。He cavils about the minor points in the rules of the game.

咱们不要在辞句上吹毛求疵了,还是看事实吧。Let's not split hairs over words, let's look at the facts.

如果你少花些时间在吹毛求疵上,会做好更多的事情。If you spent less time nitpicking you'd get more work done.