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我说过爱你,但我词不达意。Said I love you, but I lied!

词不达意。The words fail to convey the idea.

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词不达意。The words fail to convey the meaning.

经常地,言语词不达意时,音乐继之而起。Ever so often music begins when words leave off.

她哼唱过一段甜蜜、优美的旋律,但在我看来,夏的歌似乎词不达意…It sang a sweet melody, but couldn't seem to find the right words.

可能有点词不达意,我的意思是,你出去买冰淇淋,很快就会回来。I don't mean literally, I mean you're out buying ice cream and you'll be home soon.

可是,还是有很多时候有些词不达意,也写不出漂亮的文章。I still have times that I can't fully express myself, I still can't write very good essay.

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我英语不太好,有时候词不达意,别在意,好吗?My English is poor, and sometimes I can't express myself correctly. Please don't care, OK?

本期节目讲述穆斯林和非穆斯林试著彼此沟通而又词不达意的故事。This and other stories of what happens when Muslims and non-Muslims try to communicate, and misfire.

人们经常会讲错话或是说一些词不达意的话,不一定能够很好地表达他们希望传达的意思。People often misspeak or say things in a manner that doesn't necessarily convey exactly what they mean.

你刚才词不达意,没将重点说出来。难怪大家会否决你的建议。Your words failed to convey your idea and never focus on key points. That's why your proposal got rejected.

但这老小子言谈时目光闪烁,经常词不达意,心不在焉,显然在瞒着什么事。But when loaded conversation eyes flickered word not too often, distracted, apparently to hide it from anything.

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如果在现实的实有之中没有真正的“纯粹”存在,那么严格来说“纯粹”是否属于词不达意呢?If there is no real "pureness" exists at all, then strictly speaking, is "pureness" a word conveying inappropriate meaning?

贸易条款是以简洁的词不达意句表达双方在货物运办时的权利和义务。They are shorthand expressions that set out the rights and obligations f each party when it comes to transporting the goods.

近年来,随着中国传统文化的回归,作为国粹的书法与诗词不达意重新受到重视。本书是作者从历年的咏史诗中择出九十六首用长锋的羊毫抄出。This book is the author of Poems from the calendar year in the opt-out ninety-six ferreted out with the long front of Yang Hao.

这也是你们将最终掌握和使用的表达方式,而不像话语那样有时候会词不达意。It is something you too will eventually master and use for its clarity of expression, unlike words that can sometimes be inadequate.

但这只不过宛如监牢的栅门,她通过栅门看到的是一个怀著希望的伟大灵魂。只因他那在弱的嘴唇不善表达,他只能词不达意地说话,或是哑口无言。But these seemed the prison-bars through which she saw a great soul looking forth inarticulate and dumb because of those feeble lips that would not give it speech.