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古旧家具的长街,连起来有几千米。The long street stretches a few thousand meters.

陵区面积约40平方千米。Covering an area of approximately 40 square meters.

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这个洲的面积超过4千4百万平方千米。The continent covers more than 44 million square kilometers.

在长约千米的天街上布满了宾馆、饭店、商铺。Km long days in the street full of hotels, restaurants, shops.

但是,在数千米高处发现嗡嗡叫的苍蝇实在令人震惊。But finding a fly buzzing thousands of metres up is horrifying.

千米是国际公制中最长的长度单元。The kilometer is the biggest unit of length in the metric system.

在宣布千米塔3个月后,Nakheel公司推迟了计划。Three months after announcing its 1km tower, Nakheel postponed it.

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激发极化法的探测深度可达数千米深。The IP method can probe to subsurface depths of thousands of meters.

所以,你们中的每个人可以做一面旗标出你那10,000平方千米的领土。So, each of you should make a flag and stake out your 10,000 kilometers.

面积2723平方千米,她的一园一景都令人流连忘返。An area of 2723 square km and a garden she has an enviable mix of a King.

一只繁殖的雌虎大约拥有15平方千米的家域范围。One breeding female tiger had a home range of about 15 square kilometres.

杆式抽油机的抽油泵工作在井下数千米位置。The pump of sucker rod pumping oil system can work under kilometers of wall.

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总之,这个被称为冰立方观测站的机构,跨过一立方千米的冰块。Altogether, the instrument, known as IceCube, spans a cubic kilometer of ice.

马湖面积7.32平方千米,最深处12米,为全国第三大高山深水湖。Horse Lake encompasses an area of 7.32 sq. m. with the deepest place is 12 m.

在仙台市外一个建筑密集的地区,一场大火焚烧了几千米的范围。Outside the city in a built-up area, a fire blazed across several kilometres.

这个面积仅有1.91平方千米的微小的岛屿,人口不少于20,000。This tiny, 1.91 square kilometers islet has a population of less than 20,000.

现在我们深入地球几千米而安然无恙。We can now descend thousands of meters into the Earth with relative impunity.

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在500多千米长的巷道,地下停车场是必备的。Total length of the tunnel is over 500 km. Having an underground parking lot is a must.

一百多名支持者和贝利沃一起走完了最后几千米,穿过了蒙特利尔的街道。More than 100 supporters walked the final miles with Beliveau through the streets of Montreal.

有时候速度的单位是英里/小时,千米/年,英磅/平方米Sometimes they give you the speed in miles per hour, kilometers per year, pounds per square foot.