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这项新规定同样适用于军队的鼓手。The rules also apply to drummers.

鼓手们击备战鼓。The drummer beat the soldiers to arms.

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王利波曾组建乐队,担任乐队鼓手。Established and played as a band drummer.

乐队指挥暗示鼓手们敲起来。The band director cued the drums to begin.

鼓手们敲奏出赤道音乐。The drummers beat out their tropical music.

但是那些鼓手的演奏不独立。But those drummers didn't play independently.

想象一个喝醉的鼓手会说些什么。Imagine what a drunk drummer is going to say.

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鼓手在鼓上敲打出节奏。The drummer beat out the rhythm on the drums.

那位萨克斯管吹奏员在乐队中兼作鼓手。The saxophonist doubled the drum in the band.

鼓手莫悲,拂晓晨号你不要吹。Nor you drummers, neither at reveille at dawn.

鼓手斯坦·列维后来和查理·帕克同台演出。A drummer, Stan Levey, later played with Charlie Parker.

鼓手在打鼓,吉他手慵懒地弹着,歌手还在唱着歌,画家继续画着。The guitarist keeps strumming. The singer keeps singing.

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这一对父子鼓手来到贝拿勒斯的集市上。The two drummers , father and son, went to Benares Fair.

我做过鼓手,这里可以告诉你,你已经跟上旋律了!As a former drummer, I can tell you were right on rhythm!

鼓手扎克山更增加了她的音乐火热的声音。The drummer Zach Hill adds to the fiery sound of her music.

鼓手们敲奏起当地富有热带韵乐曲,我们纷纷随之起舞。The drummers beat out their tropical music, and we all danced.

鼓手们敲奏出热带地区风格的曲调,妇女们跳起舞来。The drummers beat out their tropical music,and the women danced.

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这能够帮助你知道你有潜质成为怎样的鼓手。This will help you understand what you have the potential to be.

比如说,他是大学里Speed金属乐队的鼓手。For example, he was the drummer of a speed metal band in college.

他还是摇滚乐队“冷水公寓”的长期鼓手。He was also a longtime drummer for the rock band Cold Water Flat.