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雪花白。Snow Flower White.

雪花可有回天乏力之术?What sorcery had snow?

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冬天雪花是白的。So the winter is white.

雪花变成了雪泥。The snow turned to slush.

雪花落在小鼠波波家的房子上。Snow fell on Maisy's house.

雪花飘落下来调皮。Snowflakes fall down naughtily.

雪花点点扑面。The snowflakes pelted his face.

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雪花洒落大地。Snow sluiced down over the earth.

欢乐又好比河上的雪花。Or like the snow-fall in the river.

在雪花飘零的那个圣诞前夜。The snow was falling Christmas Eve.

雪花舞寒枝。Snowflakes dance around cold boughs.

天空飘洒着雪花。Snowflakes were swirling in the air.

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雪花掩盖了钢铁的岁月…Already snow submerges an iron year...

风与雪花的人生,各不相干。The wind and snow life, all irrelevant.

可是雪花已经飘起来了。But there're already snowflakes falling.

整个晚上,他感觉到雪花化成了冷雨,打在他的脸上。He felt it on his face during the night.

可是已经飘起雪花来了。But there're already snow flakes falling.

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在后院我们有一个神奇的雪花银行。We have a magic snowbank in our backyard.

我等你,化作雪花天上来。I wait for you, turn into the snow heaven.

雪花轻轻地落在窗玻璃上。Snowflakes patted against the windowpanes.