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甚至新闻媒体也不甘寂寞。The news media even gets involved.

他是个不甘寂寞的人,常想招人注目。He is not a very quiet man and always wants to be to the fore.

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美国人民从来就是一个不甘寂寞、勇于探索和充满希望的人民。And Americans have ever been a restless, questing, hopeful people.

夜幕降临,天空露出不甘寂寞的月牙。The night sky was unwilling to remain out of the limelight, the crescent moon.

新一代作家纷纷不甘寂寞,在网络上发出自己的声音。Instead of remaining silent, a new generation of authors has found its voice on the web.

经济文章,无补于世,也会不甘寂寞,去著小说。Once their public articles meant little for the worldliness, they would be happy to write novels.

池塘边突然响起了久违的琴音,不知是哪只不甘寂寞的青蛙,在弹唱情歌。Pond suddenly sounded a long absence, Qin Yin, I do not know what just to get in the frog Acoustic love songs.

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溪水捶打着青石发出咕噜咕噜的声响,似乎也不甘寂寞融进了大乐队之中了。Stream beat the bluestone issued grunt sound, seem to stand the loneliness and financial into being a big band.

2010年,浙江服企不甘寂寞,积极发展的风向带动了一批核心企业家。In 2010, Zhejiang clothing enterprises limelight, actively developing wind brings a core group of entrepreneurs.

怦然心动的涛声曾无数次叩击人们的心房,点燃人生憧憬的理想,伴不甘寂寞的人远航。The relentless waves roar in the hearts of those adventurers who, in the pursuit of their dreams, rejecting loneliness, sailed faraway.

据路透社报道,好莱坞电影制片商正在计划拍摄一部关于击毙本·拉登行动的电影,而五角大楼也不甘寂寞提供帮忙。Moviemakers producing a film about the U. S. Special Forces raid that killed Osama bin Laden are getting help from the Pentagon, Reuters reports.

不甘寂寞的他,再次充满能量要把着橘色的气息传递推广下去,有了信念才有了动力激情!The limelight, he once again full of energy necessary to continue to spread in the air with orange, with only the power of passion and conviction!

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有成片成片热烈开放在广阔田野里,也有不甘寂寞小股散落在池塘边,那是农人的意外。Youcheng film into a film where a warm and opening up a vast field, but also to get in small groups scattered in the pond, it is farmers of the accident.

就认定自己是多么的不甘寂寞。可是日复一日一个人在自己的椅子上,显得是如此的自然和安定,安然的享受着这份宁静,宁静中思考自己的灵魂。So I do consider that I was unwilling to be loneliness though i felt so natural and quiet on the chair day by day, and enjoy doing think about myself in the mood of serenity.

不竭的瀑流,在乱石、雪堆和冰棱铺成的道路上,依然编织着不甘寂寞的歌,而那歌声却使世界这世界显得愈加辽阔和寂静。Along the road paved with rubbles , snow drifts and icicles, the endless waterfalls keep composing their resounding song which makes this world even wider and all the more silent.

通过讲述成长过程中不甘寂寞的种种表现,表达“当我们在默默爬行的时候,千万不要忘记看看自己的左右,我们的力量或许比自己想象的大很多”的观点。He will talk about his explorations. 'When we are crawling silently, don't forget to watch around. We may find that we are stronger and we are able to make bigger impact than we thought.