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他到各地推销棉织品。He travels in cotton goods.

棉织品吸汗。Cotton textiles wick away perspiration.

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她的母亲辛辛苦苦的缝制棉织品。Her mother laborious sews the cotton fabric.

我喜欢在这家店里买做衬衫用的棉织品。In this store, I like to buy fabric for shirts.

此刻我们能向你订购的只有棉织品。What we can order from you right now are cotton goods.

比起一般的棉织品,竹织品还是要稍微贵一些。It does cost a little bit more than just regular cotton.

目前咱们能向你定购的只有棉织品。What we can order from you right now are not cotton goods.

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羊毛和棉织品有很强的温室气体影响。Wool and cotton fabrics have a really high greenhouse gasimpact.

羊毛和棉织品生产时排放的温室气体更多。Wool and cotton fabrics have a really high greenhouse gas impact.

羊毛和棉织品有很强的温室气体影响。Wool and cotton fabrics have a really high greenhouse gas impact.

作为橡胶胶凝剂,皮革和棉织品媒染剂等。As rubber gelatinizer, leather and cotton fabric mordant and so on.

我再次到来是因为你们的棉织品对我很有吸引力。I'm here again because your cotton textiles are very appealing to me.

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若您需要更换棉织品,请将此卡放置床上。If you intend to change the cotton goods, please place the card on the bed.

棉织品特别容易造成这种情况,因为棉织物容易保留水分并变得沉重。Cotton is particularly villainous here, since it tends to hold water and become heavy.

现在有个倾向,越来截止多的人喜欢买棉织品和丝织品。There is a tendency that more and more people like to buy cotton piece goods and silks.

贵方欲委托敝公司销售棉织品30包,我方不胜感激。We thank you for your consideration in making us the consignment of 30 bales of cotton goods.

在制造廉价棉织品方面,那个国家已落在几个竞争者的后面。The country has fallen behind several of its competitors in the manufacture of cheap cotton goods.

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在此更期待您提供各种宝贵的意见与建议,共同创造出更完善的针棉织品。Hope to provide precious advices and suggestions, to create more perfect cotton knitwear and textiles.

像衣服,书籍,碟子,棉织品以及家具之类的物品都可以在邻居的家庭旧货市场上买到。Items like clothes, books, dishes, linens, and furniture can all be found in your local thrift shop at your neighbor’s yard sale.

这时的温度适宜熨烫闷过水的丝绸衣物及棉织品、人造棉织品、人造丝织品。At this moment temperature irons aptly press cloth of the silk clothings that crosses water frowzily and cotton goods, man-made cotton goods, rayon.