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例如,我专栏。For example, I Chron.

McNeill告诉路透社健康专栏。McNeill told Reuters Health.

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她的专栏目前在第60页。She is currently on page 60.

能让我看下体育专栏吗?Can I see the sports section?

称之为“掉了一半眼镜”的专栏。Call it my glass-half-full column.

他再次代表我专栏。He is again represented in I Chron.

迈尔斯·于逢周四出专栏。Miles Yu’s column appears Thursdays.

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并与增加修饰语,二专栏。And , with the added epithet , II Chron.

不过,这是其他专栏的主题了,老祖就不深说了。But that's the topic for another column.

柏辽兹了其辉煌的专栏作家。Berlioz had been its brilliant columnist.

他为Forbes.com撰写每周专栏。He writes a weekly column for

我会在后面的专栏里讲到他们的故事。I will tell their story in a later column.

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下一篇专栏将详细叙述路径名。The next column covers pathnames in detail.

蒂芬妮一夜间完成了三个专栏。Tiffany knocked out three columns overnight.

他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。He used to write a column for this newspaper.

他的专栏每周二都会在TIME.com出现。His column appears every Tuesday on

本周我的专栏在这方面有更详细的谈论。My column this week has more on this subject.

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读写给陈阿姨的建议专栏的信Read the letter to Aunty Chan's advice column

他将元素们放到一个专栏里。He has arranged the elements here in a column.

编辑们把体育专栏编得生动活泼。The editors have jacked up their sports pages.