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福克斯公司将从一个9岁的孩子那里取经。Fox is ready to take advice from a 9-year-old.

公司应该向这些校训取经。Companies should learn from these school mottos.

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下面的地图显示当年唐三藏到天竺取经的路线。The below map shows the route Xuanzang went to India.

我们几个是去西天取经的。We are all going to the west for Buddhist scriptures.

师傅,这是观音菩萨特意让他在此等待陪您上西天取经的。Master, he will accompany you to the west at Guanyin's behest.

地方政府到海外取经,学习欧洲国家的节能手段。Local governments also look abroad and learn from European efficiency.

凯恩斯主义者们恐怕也要从这位德国“家庭主妇”那里取取经啦。Keynes may have some lessons to learn after all from the German hausfrau.

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传说玄奘在印度取经时曾住在一座大乘佛寺内。In fact, there are two major sects of Buddhism in India, the Mahayana and the Hinayana.

当然景春海也不断地到5队来走动取经。Of course, Jing Chunhai also constantly went to Crew 5 to learn from their experiences.

整个取经活动可说都是在如来佛的掌控之下。The entire process of getting sutras can be said to have been guided by Tathagata Buddha.

银行还向其他投资于绿色解决方案的公司取经。The bank is also gleaning knowledge from other corporations that invest in green solutions.

玄奘取经回国后便在慈恩寺主持寺务,翻译佛经。寺内的大雁塔是他亲自设计督导修建的。Xuanzang then took charge of the Ci'en Temple and did the translation of the scriptures there.

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前往西天取经的唐僧师徒四人中最不起眼,最不受人注目的是沙僧。Monk Sha is the most common one of four teachers and prentices who go for lections in the west.

当玄奘取经而归,谁能说他的跋涉,他的坚毅不值得颂扬?When Xuan Zang learn and go, who said his journey, his determination was not worth celebrating?

大自然充满着各种工程上的奇迹,人类通过向大自然取经建造着自己的机械伟业。Nature is full of marvels of engineering that humans have co-opted for their own mechanical feats.

白龙马是取经集体中不容忽视的一员。White Horse is a member not to be ignored in the family to Western Paradise for Buddhist Scriptures.

他确信对方对自己有意,于是找罗斯和钱德取经,如何拒女人于千里之外。He thinks shes interested in him, so he seeks advice from Ross and Chandler on how they "repel women."

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那些来路易斯维尔取经的教练坐在看台上目睹这无止息的训练,不禁绝望。The coaches who came to Louisville sat in the stands and watched that ceaseless activity and despaired.

他们是“硅谷云计算协会”的普通成员,到这儿是来取经的。These are rank-and-file members of the Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Group, and they're here to learn.

在大多数本地人和100多个外地取经参观团看来,这个小城已然出落得有模有样了。In most of the locals and over more than 100 field learning from a delegation, the town had come to die.