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风从东方吹来。The wind blows easterly.

天空东方变成了粉红色。The eastern sky pinkened.

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任我行说东方不败。Let me say east dont hurt.

寅卯属木,位东方。Mao Yin is wood, bit east.

太阳从东方升起。The sun rises in the east.

它的流向是东方。Its afflux was to the east.

太阳从东方升起。The sun uprose in the east.

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这是往东方走的路。Here's the road to the East.

东方涌出一轮红日。The red sun rose in the east.

灯塔位于正东方某处。The lighthouse bears due east.

来自东方星球的9号计划!!!Plan 9 from Planet Oriental! ! !

他向东方的天空望去。He looked toward the eastern sky.

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去东方广场怎么走?How can I go to the Orient Plaza?

它们应该向东方看齐,寻求灵药。They should look east for a cure.

在东方还有雷响。And in the East there was thunder.

你是说东方不败真的死了?You mean Asia Invincible is dead ?

中国是东方的雄师。China is a strong lion in the East.

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东方之珠,拥抱着你。The Oriental Pearl, we embrace you.

东方广场在停车场的旁边。Dongfang Square is next to the park.

享受东方花园,力促奥林匹克。Enjoy the Garden, enhance the Games.