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我说过,梦行者不允许来到这里,冒犯我们的家!here, to offend our home!

潜行者有几个种类。Stalkers come in several types.

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真的,我自许为一个“行者”。Yes, I called my self "faquir".

亲切的问候,心灵的行者们。Greetings wayfarers of the heart.

“坐到我的身边”,修行者说。"Come and sit down", said the yogi.

请来我们的纵行者倾庄活动!Come to out cabinet formation activity!

潜行者很适用于有耐性的玩家。The lurker is good for players with patience.

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这个保险包括同行者吗?Does this insurance cover the passengers, too?

实践坦陀罗的人就称为坦陀罗行者。People who practice Tantra are called Tantrikas.

暮暮朝朝又一载,每个人都是匆匆的行者。Day and night and a carrier, everyone is a walker.

"是的,但这只是第一步",修行者回答道。"Yes, this is the first step", responded the yogi.

可是我们总是粗心大意,没有防范这潜行者。But we are often careless, unmindful of the prowler.

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毁灭单一只护腕对虚空行者没有任何影响。Destroying a single bracer has no effect on a voidwalker.

历代纳西亚。黎明行者号之航行。The Chronicles of Narnia. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

这些形相对巴克提行者,神的爱者而说是有重大意义的。These forms are meant for the bhaktas , the lovers of God.

“来吧,我们一起进去”,修行者对他的弟子说。"Come, let's enter inside", the yogi said to his disciple.

善待生命,要作为行者去体会不同的生活方式而产生不同的美。To treasure your life, you should travel as a farer, tasting.

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了悟这些的行者也了悟死与生。The meditator who realises this also realises death and birth.

“旅游鞋行者”曾经是美国宇航局最成功的航天任务之一。Voyager has been one of Nasa's most successful space missions.

像躲避在深山老林居住的独行者过每天。Like living in the mountains from the solitary who had every day.