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少年懒惰,老来贫苦。A lazy youth, a lousy age.

他出身于一个贫苦家庭。He rose from a poor family.

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我出身于贫苦的家庭…I was born of poor parents.

她出生贫苦人家。She was born in a poor family.

刚刚从一个贫苦的男童寒门。Hes just a poor boy from a poor family.

伟大领袖出身于一个贫苦家庭。The great leader emerged from a poor family.

他们是出身于贫苦人家的孩子们。They are children from underprivileged homes.

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但他们曾说过要记挂贫苦者。The one thing they said was,remember the poor.

贫苦的农民借我的钱已两年了。The poor farmer has kept my money for two years.

你知道吗?我们的老板出身于一个贫苦家庭。Do you know that our boss was from a poor family?

我希望这次来参不雅没有给你们增添太多的贫苦。Ihope my visit does not cause you too much trouble.

我也会把钱捐给那些贫苦的人。And I would definitely donate money to the poor people.

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这就是低温生物科学,当然这措施也有点贫苦。Thellos is called cryogenics, and it has its drawbacks.

单身独处,贫苦无告,她变得懂人情了。Being left alone, and a pauper, she had become humanized.

自私的人和贫苦的人的会见是阴惨的。Melancholy face-to-face encounter of selfish and wretched.

他的一生是与贫苦和失业斗争的一生。His whole life is a fight against poverty and unemployment.

①一种蔓生的野草,贫苦的农民用作牲口的饲料。—原注。A root-spreading grass, used as cattle feed by poor peasants.

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李自成是一个贫苦农民的米脂县陕西省。Li Zicheng was a poor peasant of Mizhi County, Shaanxi Province.

荷花投胎至贫苦的何家,取名素女。Lotus reincarnation reaches poor Home He, name element daughter.

他们用贫苦百姓的钱修了这座宏伟的庄院。They built this magnificent courtyard with the money of the poor.