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圣·约翰是一个造诣很深、学识渊博的学者。St John was only twenty-nine, sir.

他人物画造诣最高。His best field was figure painting.

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我知道论两人的战术造诣,那是不可同日而语的。I know that their tactics don't compare.

我们都羡慕他在语言方面的造诣。We all envy him his linguistic attainments.

他对中国古典作品造诣很深。He's very knowledgeable about the Chinese classics.

不要害怕因造诣深而产生的孤独感。Do not be afraid of the loneliness of enlightenment.

对你的出众才华和文学造诣的赏识。Appreciation of your high talents and literary attainments.

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然后呢,她们在诗词和绘画方面都有很高的造诣。Then it, poetry and painting them in both high attainments.

而且必须聆听,其他有造诣的长笛手的表演。and you have to listen to other accomplished flute-players.

本文拟介绍孙先生在翻译方面的造诣。This paper attempts to introduce his contribution to translation.

对艺术家有时候甚至影响在当代艺术上的造诣。Sometimes even of the artist in contemporary artistic attainments.

酒与艺术都是用情之物。艺术酒廊兼容了画师与品酒师的双栖造诣。Men are not immune to two things, one is wine, and the other is art.

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其次,你夸奖我是一位很有造诣的演说家。Secondly, you compliment me by saying I’m an accomplished public speaker.

路易女士是一位很有造诣的专业金融与多年的经验。Ms. Louie is an accomplished finance professional with years of experience.

苏东坡信仰佛教,对佛学颇有造诣。Sudongpo believed in Buddism and he was possessed of great attainments in it.

他的军事指挥艺术和军事理论造诣,在国内外屈指可数。As a skilled commander and military theorist, he had few equals at home or abroad.

巴博罗•毕加索是一位西班牙画家,雕刻家,一位在很多创造性的领域都有所造诣的人。Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor and creator in many creative fields.

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之前介绍的每项技术都在阻止意外破坏方面造诣颇深。Each of the previous techniques goes a long way toward preventing accidental damage.

陈寅恪除在历史、语言学方面有极高的造诣外,他的旧体诗也写得很有特色。Chen Yinke is an expert not only in history and linguistics but also in poem creation.

先生在炭条素描,油画,粉彩和水彩上都有独特造诣!Mr. Yim has unique mastery over charcoal drawings, oil painting, pastels, watercolors!