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我知道你有难言之隐。I know you have something difficult to tell.

你不告诉我是有什么难言之隐吗?Is there a reason you didn't tell me this before?

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你之前说的难言之隐是什么意思?。Is concealed difficult speech namely you ahead mention what mean?

李磊认为,海航集团的此番交易或许也有难言之隐。Li Lei thinks, of sea boat group this trade to also have a painful topic probably.

最终,他选择辞去校长,留在南方,其间也有种种难言之隐。Finally, Cai chose to resign the post as a president and stayed in the South with secret sorrow.

有时候“杰里米”就像是一个难言之隐,无人愿意提及,他们害怕让别人难受。Sometimes Jeremy is the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about, afraid to upset someone.

任何一对夫妇做出离婚的决定,不管出于什么原因,一定是有难言之隐的。Ultimately, the decision for any couple to divorce, for any reason, is a private and difficult one.

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犯罪广告最早成气候的,是专治难言之隐的“神医”。The first overwhelming generation of crime Ads are for the "highly-skilled doctors"who specialized in STDs.

非洲一只叫罗斯的冠鹰雕,正值生育期的它双目失明,因此无法进行交配。网站对罗斯的“难言之隐”进行了报道。When Rosy, a key breeding crowned eagle in Africa, grew blind and stopped mating, the site published his plight.

我微笑地看着他,摇头,我没有难言之隐,只是生性爱静,谢谢你的关心。He smiled at me, shook his head, without which it would be awkward to disclose my love, just a quiet, thank you for your concern.

话题已经打开,朱伟也毫不避讳的倒出了当下作为一个水墨画家的难言之隐。The discussion is set, and Zhu Wei has been expressing the unspeakable sorrow as a contemporary Chinese ink painter without reservation.

当开始一段新的关系的时候,那些拥有难言之隐的夫妇们的恐惧之一便是对伴侣过去的恐惧,这包含情感和性两个方面。One of those unspoken fears couples face when embarking on a new relationship is the fear of their partner's past, both emotional and sexual.

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若是你要除掉的忧虑是更加意识状态的,而不仅仅是那一大堆模糊,扫之即去的难言之隐。It is good for getting rid of cares that are somewhat more conscious than the thousand vague or poorly formulated problems that can be merely " swept away."

对他的控告条条有充分根据,并且为他有难言之隐的沉默一而再再而三地证实,现在他永远翻不了案。Every accusation against him has been amply proved, and they have been endorsed and re-endorsed by his own eloquent silence, till at this day he stands for ever convinced.

“红肿发凉、瘙痒疼痛,甚至皮肤紫暗、溃烂”冬季冻疮成为不少人的“难言之隐”。"The swollen and inflamed delivers cool, the ache of Sao Yang, even the skin is purple dark, fester" winter frostbite becomes not a few people's"concealed difficult speech".

朋友是任何孩子生活的很重要的一部分,有着幸福开心的孩子的家长肯定知道他们的孩子的朋友是哪些人,即使他们不知道,那他们肯定有一些难言之隐。Friends are a significant aspect of any child's life, and parents with happy children must know who their friends are, and if they don't have any for some reason or the other.