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我吸了他的纸烟。I smoked his baccy.

走掉啦。我吸了他的纸烟。Gone. I smoked his baccy.

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他总是抽手卷的纸烟。He always smokes roll-ups.

你知道的,烙饼和纸烟?You, know. flapjack and a cigarette?

他把烟丝裹起来,卷成一根纸烟。He rolled some tobacco and made a cigarette.

他从衬衣口袋里取出一包纸烟。He took a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket.

思特里克兰德划了根火柴,点着了一支纸烟。Then Robert Strickland struck a match and lit a cigarette.

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正确。纸烟是吸食烟草的最普遍方式。The cigarette is the most common method of smoking tobacco.

我们想要的是一包纸烟和一个出租车里的女人。What we want is a pack of cigarettes and a bit of skirt in a taxi.

从前我在一家纸烟店工作,我对那里的工作很感兴趣。I used to work at a tobacconist's, and I found it quite interesting.

他斜线地向我瞅一眼,开始接烧第二支纸烟。He the oblique line ground start connecting to burn the second cigarette to my Chou's one eye.

伊随手将大半支纸烟丢在书桌上的烟灰盆里。The Yi pays greater half with the hand cigarette to cast away a cigarette ash basin on desk inside.

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我要是吸进了灰尘、纸烟、煤烟、杀虫药或其他带特别气味得东西,我就很难受。I suffer a lot if I breathe in dust, tobacco smoke, coal fumes, insecticides or something with a particular odor.

我打一个呵欠,点起一支纸烟,喷出烟来,对着灯默默地敬奠这些苍翠精致的英雄们。I yawn, light a cigarette, and puff out the smoke, paying homage before the lamp to these green and exquisite heroes.

用干驴烘烧着砖茶,抽自卷纸烟戴大茶镜和阴丹士林蓝帽的老汉。Carbonado with dry ass cooking brick tea, smoke coil oneself the old man that cigarette wears blue hat of big tea lens and indanthrene.

听说乔元贞现在还活着,他一辈子挎着篮子在附近几个村子里叫卖纸烟、花生、火柴等小东小西。Heard that Qiao Yuanzhen is still alive, his life with the basket in the nearby village selling cigarette, peanut, match and other small East west.

在纸烟诸多种化学物质中,使吸烟者感到“清醒提神”,因而爱不释手的主要物质就是尼古丁。In paperSmokeKind of all many chemical material is medium, make suckSmokePerson feel " sober and life-giving " , the main material that fondles admiringly consequently is nicotine.

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例如,某人想买25美分一包的纸烟,如果该州的销售税征收率是物价的百分之八,那么这包纸烟的实价就是27美分,这个数字里面就包括了销售税。For example, a person might want to buy a packet of cigarettes for twenty-five cents. If there is a sales tax of eight percent is that state, when the cost of the cigarettes is twenty-seven cents.