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上海突现路面塌陷“坑”来横祸防不胜防。Road section collapses into 5-meter long hole.

各种各样的忽悠手段是防不胜防的。Various deceptive means are hardly preventable.

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批评者则说,食物供给可能有毒的风险防不胜防。Critics say the risk of a potentially toxic food supply is untenable.

然而问题在于这种枚举的复杂性防不胜防。The problem, however, is that enumeration can be arbitrarily complex.

虽然它极力保护孩子,袭击者依旧防不胜防。A valiant attempt to defend her babies does not deter these assailants.

中国问题专家说失业问题让中国政府防不胜防。China analysts say the spike in unemployment has caught China off guard.

工地每天晚上都派人巡逻,但是小偷还是防不胜防。Site send patrols every night, but the thief is still very hard to detect.

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既然如此,在面对愤怒防不胜防的攻击时我们应当如何处理呢?That being said, how do we deal with anger when we become inflamed with it?

国派间谍都被CIA监视着,可带相机的平民就防不胜防了。National spy could be track by CIA system, but how a civil carrying a camera be scout all the time.

居民也变得五方杂处,各地的人都来了,有的带来了惊人的新技术,有的显示了防不胜防的狡猾伎俩。Settlers, too, came from distant countries, some with an alarming novelty of skill, others with an offensive advantage in cunning.

首先是“艾滋病人弹”防不胜防,她只是一个娇小妩媚的血肉之躯,你无法辨认,确认她是恐怖分子。First, "people with AIDS bombs" off guard, she is just a petite feminine flesh, you can not identify, confirmed that she is a terrorist.

第一件事是遭遇了一个咸猪手,尽管小吃和水果很丰富,我们也难以集中注意力去观赏品尝,因为防不胜防。The first of which is a sex-pest. It is hard to concentrate on the abundant spices and fruits, as we are busy playing Bustle Rustler Roulette.

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那时,葫芦岛的大部分地区被毒虫、猛兽占据着,加上令人防不胜防的蚂蟥、蚂蚁和马鹿虱子“三蚂”的肆虐,使得这里更像是一片流放地。At that time, the Garden was mostly occupied by noxious insects and beasts. Swarms of leeches , ants, and lice further made it like a place of exile.

抱歉,突如其来的变化防不胜防,毫无预兆,我们多么希望这笔交易能够成功,但是这都不能由我方来决定,盼复,敬候佳音。We are sorry that the change took place without any presage. We do hope the transaction can be successfully concluded, but we are not in a position to decide.

由于梢子头比较短小,灵活性很大,所以击打力也非常强大,往往令对手防不胜防。Because the Shaozi is quite short and small, it is agile and has strong force of punching, thus it usually makes the opponent impossible to defend effectively.

首先,人们对市场上无所不有的盗版产品早已习以为常,作为消费者的人们大众也是防不胜防的。Examples like this are numerous. Why in the world are the counterfeits so rampant and prevalent in China?First, people are used to the fakes that are everywhere.

造成他人丢脸可能是防不胜防的,虽然美国的文化道德准则所建议的关系目标之一就是帮人挽回面子。Causing another to lose face may be unavoidable at times, although strong cultural norms in America suggest that one goal of relationships is to help others save face.

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万一如果虽然提前做了很好的准备,但是面试管突然问了一个让你防不胜防的问题呢?What if, in spite of your best efforts in advance, the interviewer throws you a curve ball? "You can say, 'That's a good question, let me think about it for a minute.'

法院一位工作人员说,这样的骗子,真是防不胜防,现在还不清楚这些合同都到公证处去公证了没有。A staff member of the court said that the swindlers , is impossible to defend effectively, it is not clear that these contracts are not legalization Department to the legalization.

就算盯在这里,我们对装修完全外行,也没用,我们请的是知名的装修公司,没想到也会出现这样的情况,真是防不胜防。Even eye here, we totally uninformed decoration, but also useless, and we invite the well-known decoration company, but he did not expect his will happen, is impossible to defend effectively.