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很多年之后,素心成了举步维艰的人。Many years later, Susan became a difficult person.

素心向他解释改名原因和嫁人的事。Heart explain why it changed its name to him and get married.

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交友须带三分侠气,做人要存一点素心。Dating to be with three others, people want to save a little heart.

渐渐地,素心成了万千类似人中的一个,过着两点一线的生活。Gradually, Susan became one of thousands of similar people, living a life line points.

方素心,居士,素心丝弦创始人,蚕丝冰弦的唯一生产者,曾从事金融、教育行业。Ms Suxin Fang, a lay Buddhist, founder of Suxin Silk Strings. She is world's only ice silk string maker.

弱体,素心,在红尘跌宕真的好累,漫漫红尘路好远,心真的已疲惫不堪。Weak body, heart, in the world of mortals and really tired, long red road far, heart really have been terribly fatigued.

以素心建兰茎尖诱导产生的根状茎为材料,研究不同基本培养基和几种生长调节剂组合对其增殖与芽分化的影响。Effects of basic medium and plant growth regulator combination on the multiplication and differentiation of rhizomes of Cymbidium ensifolium var.

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守成受蕊红和常绿交托照顾素心,素心忽闻一把熟悉的声音,转身看见守成后悲喜交集。Hold the wick in the red and green way to take care of my heart, my heart suddenly heard a familiar voice, turned around and saw hold after mingled.

常绿走进房间,关怀素心情况,并言翌日要到司狱处决犯人,素心听后赶常绿离开。Evergreen came into the room, caring heart, and put it next to the department of prison execution of prisoners, heart after listen to evergreen leaves.

应用核素心室造影法对前壁心肌梗塞后室壁瘤的形成作左室功能测定。Left ventricular function in patients with anterior acute myocardial infarction with aneurysm was studied by equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography.

应用放射性核素心血管造影方法对24例心肌梗塞患者和41例健康人进行了左室收缩与舒张功能的测定。Systolic and diastolic functions of left ventricle in 24 patients with myocardial infarction and 41 normal persons were measured by nuclide cardioangiography.

蕊红和常绿与素心等遇上,司马丑告知素心,他乃是吕老爷的朋友,特来保护她,蕊红要素心回家照顾敢为。Red and evergreen and heart meets, ugly sima told heart, he is lu masters friend, come to protect her, go home to take care of the core factors of red heart dare to.

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素心没胃口进食,蕊红准备用药助她调理身体,才发觉家中的存货用光,于是自行上山采药。The heart of appetite to eat, rui red prepare medication to help her body conditioning, he realized the home to run out of inventory, so the herbalism to up the hill.

蕊红回家,见千松订购了一套高档的宣纸和徽墨,因无法付款感尴尬,结果常绿代付银票作为蕊红替素心接生的喜钱。Red home, see thousands of high-end paper and ordered a HuiMo, unable to pay feeling embarrassed, the evergreen paid silver ticket as core red heart XiQian childbirth.

年少的素心有着太多纷繁复杂的哲理,她在遵循的同时也会好心地告诉那些需要的人,可当被尖刻的语言嘲弄的时候,才一瞬间成长。There are too many young Susan complex philosophy, she followed in kind will also tell those in need, can be sharp when the language of mockery when the moment only grow.

锦莲被吓了一跳,想从素心的脸上找到开玩笑的痕迹,可素心一本正经的样子哪里像在说笑。The brocade lotus is got a fright, ambitioned to detect out jocose trace from the face of vegetable heart, plain heart in always seriousness of appearance where be favor is joking.

在此基础上定义了模糊相似系数,并计算出模糊相似系数矩阵,进而采用“最大树”法将其划分为13个品种类群,为鄢陵素心腊梅类品种的进一步定名研究提供了数量依据。And then the Yan-ling subus. praecox is divided into 13 classes by means of maximum tree met-hod. This provides a quantitive evidence for further naming the Yanling sub-us. praecox.

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映霞即将生日,知秋带她挑选布料作贺礼,同一时间,守成亦带素心和敢为造新衣过新年。Reflected chardonnay will soon birthday, know the autumn with her pick fabrics for wedding gifts, at the same time, hold also took heart and dare to make new clothes for the New Year.

在听惯了周围的一切抱怨之后,素心以为大家会和她一样的心境,可每当面对镜头时所展现出来的是与平时完全不相同的脸。Accustomed to listening to all the complaints around after Susan thought that we would like her state of mind, when the cameras can be displayed every time out is usually completely different face.